This is the official guestbook of InternetGallery
Lofoten.Perhaps you want to
sign in too?
Såvidt jeg kan se har du den beste Lofoten site`n for tiden.
Søk om støtte, og bygg den ut med linker, kart og historiske data inkl. bilder fra Lofotfiske i "gamle dager"
Du har liten konkurranse, og du kan "kuppe" markedet for Lofoten info på nettet...
Erik <>
Oslo, - Saturday, February 07, 1998 at 14:11:09 (MET)
Kanonfina bilder som du har skapt. Men som norlänning må jeg
si at du har en taknemlig natur og jobbe med. Det går nesten ikke
an og mislykkes med den naturen.
Thorleif Gundersen <>
Malmö, sverige - Saturday, February 07, 1998 at 00:34:31 (MET)
Kanonfina bilder som du har skapt. Men som norlänning må jeg
si at du har en taknemlig natur og jobbe med. Det går nesten ikke
an og mislykkes med den naturen.
Thorleif Gundersen <>
Malmö, sverige - Saturday, February 07, 1998 at 00:34:30 (MET)
I am 19, I come from Paris, but I am studying in Montreal.
Beautiful! Pictures are beautiful, Lofoten seems to be a "magic Land". It is like I imaged land of fairies. I am kidding, but I really appreciate those pictures.
I travel in Lofoten during 30 minutes. Thank you.
I knew the Lofoten before that and I would sail around those islands one time. But now that is sure, I will go to Lofoten.
I appreciate the humour of the sentence at the bottom of the picture.
Thank you for the Free trip.
Jean-guillaume Abiven <>
Montreal, quebec Canada - Friday, February 06, 1998 at 23:40:29 (MET)
I am 19, I come from Paris, but I am studying in Montreal.
Beautiful! Pictures are beautiful, Lofoten seems to be a "magic Land". It is like I imaged land of fairies. I am kidding, but I really appreciate those pictures.
I travel in Lofoten during 30 minutes. Thank you.
I knew the Lofoten before that and I would sail around those islands one time. But now that is sure, I will go to Lofoten.
I appreciate the humour of the sentence at the bottom of the picture.
Thank you for the Free trip.
Jean-guillaume Abiven <>
Montreal, quebec Canada - Friday, February 06, 1998 at 23:39:50 (MET)
Jeg synes bildene var virkelig veldig bra. Jeg er en nederlandsk student som leser norsk i Groningen, Nederland. Sommeren av '95 jobbet jeg hos Ellingsens Aa vandrerhjem og rorbuer. Det var taaket hele maaned men den dagen sola viste seg var jeg ut paa sjoeen og fisket. Lundefuglene floey over robaaten og vi kunne se de groenne tindene paa Lofotodden. Det var saa flott aa se dine bilder fordi de minnet meg om denne sommeren. Takk. Hils Gro Hansen fra Aa i Lofoten fra meg. Vennlig hilsen, Esther.
Esther Loch <>
Groningen, Nederland - Tuesday, January 06, 1998 at 18:26:12 (MET)
Lofoten is the best place in Norway.
Lucy Parker <>
London, England - Monday, December 29, 1997 at 19:34:05 (MET)
Fine bilder!
Leif Joh. Andersen <>
Norge - Sunday, December 28, 1997 at 14:22:34 (MET)
My first... and last visit!
Too many quests for "cookies"...
Matthias Huber <>
Tyskland - Saturday, December 20, 1997 at 17:11:28 (MET)
When looking to all these pictures I feel beeing back at Mortsund
or Nyvagar, the two places I'v been at Lofoten one and three years
And I will come back! I'm dreaming this will be in a the winter-time, some
like Febr - April.
Greetings to Wencke from Rorbusenter at Mortsund!
Wolfgang Lamminger <>
Lüdenscheid, Germany - Friday, December 12, 1997 at 21:07:38 (MET)
Skulle bare si at bildene dine er kjempebra!!!
Savner nordnorsk natur. Bor i Oslo, men er fra Stokmarknes.
Kathrine <>
- Friday, December 12, 1997 at 13:16:16 (MET)
Nice photos,you may want to try locating the sun in your sunset shots somewhere other than in the exact center of the composition, however. try it and see if it makes a difference. I'm from Trinidad in the Caribbean.
Curtis A Nichols <>
Rousillac, Trinidad and Tobago - Thursday, December 11, 1997 at 01:48:36 (MET)
jag och min klass ,9b från ekenäs , kommer att komma till lofoten
i maj . hoppas att det blir roligt där
karin ljung <fantoen64>
ekenäs, finland - Monday, December 08, 1997 at 08:26:46 (MET)
E-mail me
Johannes Carpenter <>
Karlskoga, Sweden - Saturday, November 29, 1997 at 15:04:24 (MET)
Wonderful! Looking at your pictures make me thinking of my visits of the Lofoten. It's wonderful walking in the mountans. Some years ago i had the possibility to make a tour on midsummer night with a lot of norwegen families. we walked up to the top of Lofotodden. The midnight sun was liek ein your pictures. Thinking at Edgar Allan Poe we had a wonderful look at Moskenes. I'll never forget this.
Please give us more pictures.
Stefan Zoelsch <>
Aachen, Germany - Thursday, November 27, 1997 at 21:21:09 (MET)
Fant fram til denne i søken på bilder til å supplere de bildene jeg selv tok i Lofoten på sykkeltur denne sommeren. Håper jeg har hellet med meg
Jan T. Gangsøy <>
Stavanger, Norrway - Wednesday, November 26, 1997 at 18:12:17 (MET)
i am looking for an old cousin named Delgobe henri.
He was living in lofoten islands as a doctor 50 years ago.
Could you advise me about the best way to try to find him?
Many thanks in advance
J. bertrand
bertrand jacques <>
gif sur yvette, 91 france - Sunday, November 23, 1997 at 16:54:42 (MET)
Thank you for the great pictures, It brought back memories of my visit to Norway. My father was born in Seloter,Vesteralen. He told of the great fishing in Lofoten. Some of my relatives live in Stronstad/Seloter area.If someone knows Ernest Seloter or Alfred Helmersen, Tell them hello from Harold in America. I hope to visit Norway again. Thanks for a great website visit.
Harold Hansen <>
Faribault, MN USA - Monday, November 17, 1997 at 19:44:56 (MET)
- Thursday, November 06, 1997 at 11:08:45 (MET)
- Thursday, November 06, 1997 at 11:05:13 (MET)
I was hoping to see the photos, having just returned from the beautiful Lofotens, but alas I don't seem to be able to access them today, with this computer... I'll drop you a line when I can access them.
Felicity Anderson
Sydney, NSW Australia - Monday, November 03, 1997 at 19:12:54 (MET)
I´m an engener on Sigurður VE. Thank you for evey thing Bodö
this somer.
Friðrik Björgvinsson <>
Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland - Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 03:28:14 (MET DST)
Hi all
I have spend a few days in Stamsund's youth hostel.....
I would talk with everybody of this!!!
Arachelian Nicola <>
Milano, Mi Italy - Monday, September 01, 1997 at 22:04:12 (MET DST)
I know the people who lives in the quite house whit grass on the roof.
Just want u to know!!
Matias Nordahl Carlsen <>
Steine , Stamsund Norway - Sunday, August 17, 1997 at 13:29:25 (MET DST)
Nice site with a lot of beatiful pictures. I´m working on doing the same thing with pictures from Gotland.
Thanks for the visit.
Magnus Götherström <>
Visby, Sweden - Saturday, August 16, 1997 at 20:09:30 (MET DST)
hi. how are you
it's nice gallary about norw to me. actually, your friend
marit show me here.i enjoy it especially pictures.
thanks a lot. bye
sunggyu lee <>
kyungju, korea - Wednesday, August 13, 1997 at 06:01:04 (MET DST)
Luvly pics!!!So good to see nice pics with good quality
from home...
Hilser alle som kjenner meg ; mail meg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trøtt hilsen Lasse!
Lars Christian Skulbru <>
Leknes\Drammen\Andøya(for tiden), - Monday, August 11, 1997 at 15:13:08 (MET DST)
My wife's grandparents are from Norway, we both enjoy pictures and want to visit.
Thanks for the pictures. Gary
gary cooper <>
wilmington , oh usa - Saturday, August 09, 1997 at 07:05:02 (MET DST)
I really like your pictures. We will be on the Lofoten with a sailing boat (her name is the KIM)in about a week from now.We hope to see the same nice landscapes you showed on Internet. Bye bye,Gerda.
Zandberg, Gerda <>
Purmerend, Holland - Sunday, August 03, 1997 at 10:30:01 (MET DST)
Hej.... Vilka tjusiga kort du har här!
Nästa vecka kommer jag till Norge och Ballstad. Syrran har träffat
en norsk gutt och de bor nu i Ballstad... och de ska gifta sig...
Ha det så bra och sköt om dig!
Mvh Anette
Anette Sjölander <>
Sollefteå, Sverige - Friday, August 01, 1997 at 15:25:42 (MET DST)
Really enjoyed your photos. You prove that a person doesn't need lots of gear; just the basics plus a tripod.
I was interested in your photos because I will be in Norway next summer. If you have time for writing back,
I would like any suggestions you might have for an amateur photographer who will be in Norway (Europe for that matter)
for the first time. My equipment is similar to yours: I have an F3 plus some lenses and a tripod.
I just recently aquired the 200 micro-Nikkor, and it is love at first sight-through-the-lens. Also, your gallery was
set up nicely, and the captions were interesting.
Mark Kirste <Mark Kirste>
Fresno, CA USA - Tuesday, July 29, 1997 at 08:42:11 (MET DST)
Har tilbragt over halvparten av minne 31 sommerferier på Vestvågøy. Verdens fineste sted når ikke tåka ligger tjukk.
Rune Eriksen <>
Narvik, Norge - Wednesday, July 23, 1997 at 02:32:23 (MET DST)
Allthougt I am from Austria I adore Norway, especially the Lofot Islands. So I am not only surprised, but eventhough satisfied to find so many informations about this archipel. I hope that there will be more and more pictures and ads about my beloved land.
Matthias Kail <>
Wien, Austria - Tuesday, July 22, 1997 at 16:28:10 (MET DST)
Great great great ... these pictures are so wonderful that
I lost my words when I looked at them! Thanks a lot!!!
Oliver <>
Vienna, Austria - Tuesday, July 22, 1997 at 16:06:52 (MET DST)
I had twice in my live the chance to see the lofoten in my live. I think i have to thank god at last for those opportunities. What wonderfull mountains, what colours of the see, what air, clouds and colours!! I hope, I can show lofoten to my girlfriend this sommer, it is really gods own country i think, althoughs he makes often bad weather there. Greetinghs to jouth-hostel of stamsund, one of the the coolest in the world. Habe a goold time, in norway ort anywhere1
Gerhard Fischer <>
Münnerstadt, Germany/Tyskland - Monday, July 21, 1997 at 23:08:42 (MET DST)
Thanks for the wonderful pictures! Marge and Bill will be in Svolvaer at the Havly Hotel on July 25 and 26 in a long-awaited visit to our grandfather's birthplace (Laupstad)...
Grandpa - Magnus Bernhard Hansen - born 13 August 1870, Vagan - was the son of Hans Christian Andreassen of Flakstad
and Adrianna Christine Johannesdatter of Vik, Bronnoy...he emigrated to the US about 1890. If anyone knows of family members or other information, we'd be grateful to hear from you.
Thanks again for such a nice site! ...Steve, for the Hansens
Steve, Marge and Bill Hansen <>
Tacoma, WA USA - Monday, July 07, 1997 at 02:13:01 (MET DST)
The landscapes are wonderful. I am going to visit
Lofoten this summer, so I hope to see some of them
myself. i will be coming back to your site on
Piotr Sudzik
Piotr Sudzik <>
Gdañsk, Poland - Sunday, July 06, 1997 at 15:10:36 (MET DST)
Thank you for the beautiful picture I like them very much, expecially the ones about the midnight-sun (you know, in Italy it doesn't exist) and thats about the small villages.
Last year my friends and I came to Norge and we enjoyed very much, above all the nature and the kindness of the people we met.
We are thinking to come back this year; we haven't yet decided , but we would like to go with our motorcycle to Nordkapp and coming back we would visit the Lofoten islands because we have seen from your pictures that they are beautiful places.
What would you suggest to spend our time in the best way as possible in that wonderful places , and how could we meet people and learn about their way of life and culture which is so different from ours?
Thank you very much ,
Yours, Marco Lombardi.
Marco Lombardi <>
Ravenna, Italy - Thursday, July 03, 1997 at 19:46:38 (MET DST)
Great photos, a friend of yours told me to stop by, Marit Martinsen. Your contry is very Beautiful, I hope to one day come and visit. Thank you for sharing the photos.
Brandon Nason <>
Kenai, AK United States - Monday, June 23, 1997 at 18:30:55 (MET DST)
We will be visiting the Lofoten next July, so it was great
to see your very nice pictures...if anyone reading this has
some informations about birdwatching in the Lofoten, just email
me! Tusen takk!
anne <>
Arendal, Norway - Tuesday, June 10, 1997 at 14:31:11 (MET DST)
Det var kul att se bilderna från Lofoten! Jag var på besök
på min ferie 1987 och 1996. Jag och min fru planerar att
åka till Lofoten och Vesterålen även denna ferie.
Det blir att hänga på "campingvognen" och dra norr ut.
Vänliga hälsningar
Tommy i Linköping
Tommy Åshäll <>
Linköping, Sverige - Thursday, June 05, 1997 at 20:40:54 (MET DST)
Bra bilder fra Lofoten. Selvom jeg er fra Oslo saa er
det deilig aa se ville bilder fra hjemlandet.
Sigurd Wathne <>
Hyannis, MA USA - Thursday, June 05, 1997 at 01:08:53 (MET DST)
My 100 year old mother came from
this area in Norway
Arne Kirkewoog <>
Livermore, CA USA - Wednesday, June 04, 1997 at 00:06:24 (MET DST)
The pictures were extremely heart warming for me. My bestefar,
bestemor, oncles og tantes live in Gravdal. I visited them in
1984 and I took the same picture from the top of the hill.
Happy belated May 17!
Glenn Karlsen <>
Port Coquitlam, B.C Canada - Friday, May 30, 1997 at 20:40:47 (MET DST)
SOUTHFIELD, MI USA - Thursday, May 29, 1997 at 04:15:10 (MET DST)
Hei,er Lofoten ikke flott? Jeg har vart paa Vaagan Folkehoegskole i Kabelvaag ,hvordan er det med noen bilder fra Austvaagoey??
maren <>
- Monday, May 26, 1997 at 12:24:53 (MET DST)
I will be visiting the islands next week. Thanks for this beautiful preview.
John Fleckner
washington, dc usa - Monday, May 19, 1997 at 19:01:24 (MET DST)
Your photographs are lovely. My grandparents left Trondheim for the United States in 1903, but I know my grandmother loved to visit the Lofoten Islands. Now I know why.
Eve Westvik <>
Richmond, Ca USA - Wednesday, May 14, 1997 at 02:14:34 (MET DST)
jag är övertygad..det blir lofoten i år. tack för dina bilder
stina <>
- Saturday, May 10, 1997 at 15:36:32 (MET DST)
jag är övertygad..det blir lofoten i år. tack för din bilder
stina <>
- Saturday, May 10, 1997 at 15:35:57 (MET DST)
tulemme sukeltamaan lofooteille kesällä.
kysyisin Ballstad nimisestä paikasta lisää.
terveisin jari
Jari Kroger <>
Jyväskylä, fi Finland - Friday, May 09, 1997 at 16:00:58 (MET DST)
KARLSHAMN, K SWEDEN - Tuesday, May 06, 1997 at 11:14:54 (MET DST)
I find it wonderful to find pictures of the Lofoten,
with my husband I visited the Lofoten three years ago
with a tent and two bikes. It were beautiful days
Your pictures are also beautiful but I prefere the little ones
because I can only look for 15hours/month on Internet.
It takes much time to load all pictures
I'll hope that many visitors will sign your guestbook
Good luck Anita
Scheenaerts Anita <>
Essen, Belgium - Tuesday, May 06, 1997 at 01:27:30 (MET DST)
fine bilder. Kommer ned til Vestvaagoy i sommer.
hilsen Robert.
robert kamben <>
Tromsoe, norway - Monday, May 05, 1997 at 11:09:13 (MET DST)
...No tak Lofoty to najpiEkniejsze miejsce na Ziemi.. Byliœmy tam w 1995 roku. The best wishes from Poland to all Lofotians
Irek Skarbinski
Rene Skarbinski <>
Legnica, PL Poland - Saturday, May 03, 1997 at 08:06:58 (MET DST)
Det var et kjempefint galleri du hadde.Jeg er opprinnelig fra borge,men jeg jobber
i Houston for oeyeblikket.Jeg maatte kikke innom dette.
Ha en fin dag
Houston, TX USA - Sunday, April 27, 1997 at 02:49:35 (MET DST)
veldig hyggelig aa se vakre bilder hjemmefra - selv om jeg er fra Oslo, setter jeg veldig pris paa de viller sider av den
norske naturen. og haaber en gang aa faa se den paa naert hold -
Kirsten Foss Davis <>
Cambridge, MA USA - Friday, April 25, 1997 at 19:24:41 (MET DST)
Vackra bilder. Vi kommer och hälsar på till Norge i sommar,tack för förhandstitten.
Marcus Rosenback
Lappfjärd, Finland - Wednesday, April 23, 1997 at 21:53:59 (MET DST)
Kul sida med fina bilder. Jag är själv född på Gravdal sjukhus och bodde på Maervoll och Böstad i 4år.
Jag skall åka upp till Lofoten i sommar och det ser jag fram emot för det blir inte så ofta nuförtiden.Lycka till med framtida projekt.
Kenneth Nordin <>
Stockholm, Sverige - Wednesday, April 23, 1997 at 00:52:16 (MET DST)
Very happy to see Lofoten!!
I was there in July 1987
I should like to come again and visit them,
but this year is not the best year to do it, I have to pay
too taxes, maybe the next
best wishes to you!
Enrico Ruggeri
Enrico Ruggeri <>
Torino, Italy - Monday, April 21, 1997 at 20:59:27 (MET DST)
just discovered your site. am stealing a few photographs
for a site that i've thrown up onto the web and will
work on later..... jeg er snart på veg til
norge i juni. i'm a danish born norwegian
living/working in the united states. thank
you for the photographs... christian
christian svanes kolding <>
sf, ca usa - Tuesday, April 08, 1997 at 19:02:56 (MET DST)
I'm an avid ameture photographer and I very much enjoy veiwing the work of others.
Thanks for taking the time and your energy to post some very nice work.
Jeff Reinke <>
Toronto, Canada - Tuesday, April 01, 1997 at 21:18:21 (MET DST)
Hej! I midsommar ska jag och min familj och några vänner bo i Linastugan i Laukvik. Jag har alltid längtat att få se
Lofoten, så det ska bli spännande!!!!! Ha det bra!!
Carina Engstrand
Östersund, Sverige - Monday, March 31, 1997 at 20:37:57 (MET DST)
Meget interssante saker. Her ligger mye arbeid bak. Fortsett
Yngve A. Beddari
svanvik, - Wednesday, March 26, 1997 at 20:21:54 (MET)
Well done !
I hope it's such beautiful in reality than in your photos
I hope i'll see them this summer (i have decided to travel
in Lofoten islands this summer)
Continue !!!
Bye, Christophe
christophe RIGAUD
Grenoble, FRANCE - Wednesday, March 26, 1997 at 07:43:30 (MET)
Me and my girlfriend is going to Lofoten for
holiday this summer so it was great to be able to see what
it looks like.
Martin Jerresand <>
Gäöteborg, Sweden - Wednesday, March 19, 1997 at 16:46:41 (MET)
eg spelar på skjergard
kim rune hallesund
rong, - Tuesday, March 11, 1997 at 12:25:19 (MET)
Det finnes ikke mange ting som er bedre enn aa ta en kopp kaffe og se bildene Dine paa en flott söndagsmorgen.
Allikevel, vi kan ikke komme dit og se alt dette med egne öynene. Du maa vaere en av de lykkeligste menneskene i verden for aa kunne leve i midten av noe saaa fint og aa kunne vise det ogsa til andre.
Takk skal Du haa - noen av fanatikerne Dine her i Estland.
Madli Luuk <>
Tallinn, Estonia - Sunday, March 09, 1997 at 13:43:27 (MET)
Good shots ! I've been in lofoten in 1991 and i think that are
the most beautiful isles of north europe that i've seen.
Good ! after have seen your pics a little tear drop ...
Claudio Lodi <>
Roma, IT - Saturday, March 08, 1997 at 22:59:55 (MET)
Jag och min dotter kommer upp till Lofoten i sommar.
Det ska bli underbart.Vi längtar!
Helena Steineker <>
Vårgårda, Sverige - Tuesday, March 04, 1997 at 10:55:34 (MET)
Keep up the good work Morten. C U in Lofoten soon.
Morten Vestby <>
Narvik, Norway - Sunday, March 02, 1997 at 15:53:35 (MET)
In July 1996 I and my wife were by car in Lofoten and Vesteralen. It was very boutifully.
george <>
koszalin, poland - Saturday, March 01, 1997 at 20:59:01 (MET)
This was a great wiew from Lofoten, but I mis some photos from Valberg where I come from.
Janne Kathrin Vikjord
- Thursday, February 27, 1997 at 19:23:19 (MET)
FIRENZE, ITALY - Wednesday, February 26, 1997 at 23:47:35 (MET)
Första bilden är från Piteå...
hilsen fra Dalarna
Eric <>
- Monday, February 24, 1997 at 11:54:02 (MET)
realy nice pictures! how do the lofoten look in winter. do
you have any pictures of that too? or spotted any whales
recently with your camera? looking forward for more to come!
Roland Rosmalen <>
Zaandam, NH Holland - Thursday, February 20, 1997 at 21:19:59 (MET)
steve foster <smf255>
laredo, tx usa - Tuesday, February 18, 1997 at 02:50:08 (MET)
Jag är bara tvungen att skriva,nu när Karin Wahlqvist har skrivet.Vi var nämligen samtidigt uppe i Lofoten.Vi hade 4 veckors naturupplevelse.Tack för dina fina bilder.
Gunilla Johansson
Möndal, Sweden - Sunday, February 16, 1997 at 18:51:16 (MET)
Thanks for showing the pictures. I have a lot of relatives in the area and I am interested in seeing the countryside. You have great scenery in all directions.
Don Winter <>
Port Orchard, WA USA - Sunday, February 16, 1997 at 15:08:28 (MET)
Jag arbetade som jordmor på föden i Gravdal isomras och blev störtför-
älskad i Lofoten. Dina bilder fyllde mig med glädje och längtan. Min man var
inte med i Norge men här vid datorn kan jag visa honom allt
det vackra och fina som ni har där uppe i norr. Tusen tack
Terje. Lofoten kommer alltid att finnas i mitt hjärta!!!!
Karin Wahlqvist <>
mölndal, sverige - Saturday, February 15, 1997 at 23:14:26 (MET)
Meget fine bilder, jeg er selv en amatörfotograf, som liker
fine bilder av naturen og mennesket m.m...
Björn Floden <>
Trollhättan, Sverige - Friday, February 14, 1997 at 23:02:21 (MET)
Enjoyable set of photos.
Rev. Neil E. Andersen <>
Baltimore, MD U.S.A. - Friday, February 07, 1997 at 17:35:03 (MET)
- Tuesday, February 04, 1997 at 10:53:30 (MET)
Kjempefine bilder !
Jeg er norsk, og min mor er födt og oppvokst i Bodö. Vi skal
ha stort slektstreff for förste gang i Bodö i juni. Da har
jeg ogsaa tenkt aa vaere noen dager i Lofoten, som jeg aldri
har besökt för. Jeg, min mann (fransk) og mine to sönner
(4 og 1 aar) gleder oss veldig ! Kjekt aa faa en liten
Ha det bra !
Rachel Husebö Chambenoit <>
France - Friday, January 31, 1997 at 21:55:39 (MET)
Som utfløtta Ørsnesværing vil æ oppfordre alle som kjenn mæ (og andre) tel å send ei hælsing. Hei og hå fra Bergen
Frank Gøran Nordheim <frank>
bergen, - Friday, January 31, 1997 at 20:42:51 (MET)
SAN ANTONIO, TX USA - Thursday, January 30, 1997 at 05:00:27 (MET)
WoW! Sceary site:-) Love the opening main-picture! Keep up the good work. Se you!
Stian Vestby <<------->>
- Tuesday, January 21, 1997 at 13:34:50 (MET)
Trivelig med litt bilder fra mitt födested,född 1966 på davärende Gravdal sykehus senere döpt i Buksnes kirke,nu bosatt i sverige siden åtte år tilbake oppvekst i Bodö,ser fram mot flere bilder fra Lofoten
Andre Fjellheim Hanssen <>
Bygdeå, sweden - Friday, January 17, 1997 at 22:37:18 (MET)
Tak for de fantastiske billeder.Jeg har jobbet som kommunelege i Leknes 1995 og 1996 og savner naturen meget. Det er helt fantastisk , at jeg kan sidde og genopleve Haukland strand , Utakleiv osv. hjemme ved min pc. Fortsæt med at lave flere billeder!!!!
Stig Hansen <>
Kobenhavn, DK Denmark - Thursday, January 16, 1997 at 13:20:06 (MET)
Jag kommer till vaerö och jobbar i slutet på februari.Carpe diem/K
Lars-Göran Karvonen <>
Falun, Sverige - Monday, January 13, 1997 at 10:28:57 (MET)
fine bilder, men presentasjon over pc'en av slikt billedmateriale blir ikke det samme som å se på fotografiet.
eirik rubach <>
- Sunday, January 12, 1997 at 21:27:18 (MET)
I liked the photo gallery. It looks just like home. Funny, it is just that. Now then, you have my name; what's yours?
Rita Berglund Stuart <>
South Lyon, MI USA - Saturday, January 11, 1997 at 05:32:06 (MET)
Great site - one one of the best I've seen (mind you, I haven't sen many!). However, the images are not exactly the best I've seen. Nevertheless, thanks for the trouble you have obviously taken to provide an interesting site.
Angus Stevenson <>
- Saturday, January 04, 1997 at 02:49:00 (MET)
Jeg har bodd paa Roest i 11/2 aar, og 2 paa Andoeya . Bor naa i bushen. Nydelig aa se bilder fra det kjaere nord. Takk for titten :-),det var kjempefine bilder.
Bjoerg Stroem-Obschonka <>
KAMBALDA, WA AUSTRALIA - Wednesday, January 01, 1997 at 12:44:35 (MET)
I have enjoyed your pictures very much. I look at them a few at a time as it takes a while to download them. My computer is an IBM 50 MHZ with 12 Mbites of memory. Beautiful view of Grandal with the two student on the hill. It seems one can look in about any direction on Lofoten and see a beautiful sight. Nice shot of the lone sheep. Sheep are raised on the farm near Moelv where my grandfather was born.
Dean O. Skovlin <>
Northridge, CA USA - Wednesday, January 01, 1997 at 03:05:08 (MET)
Hello , excuseme for my english , I speak spanish .
I have enjoyed very much your pothos .
Please advise me ,via email the URL of your future direction.
Goodbye , from the other side of the world .
Alejandro .
Alejandro Santelli <>
Buenos Aires, Bs.As. Argentina - Friday, December 27, 1996 at 07:53:02 (MET)
Very cool stuff dude.I live in california and the sierras
are awesome but Sweden would be epic. I like to go backpacking
and photography is a new hobby of mine. I'll try to send you
some of mine.I like your pics a lot.Sorry I don't have any
sugestions for your page, it seems fine to me.
Rusty deeter < >
Fresno, CA U.S.A. - Wednesday, December 25, 1996 at 13:24:50 (MET)
Your photo are beatiful and now I'd like to come back to visit the "bellissime" lofoten islands.
Tanks and I wish to merry Christmas and happy new Year.
Dario Mazzoli <>
Milan, Italy - Tuesday, December 24, 1996 at 00:47:00 (MET)
Hi Morten,
My friend Plínio and me (Fernando) were looking your pictures
and we found it very nice. Plinio was happy to see the
midnightsun. He wants to go there one day...
Thank you, and have a nice and happy new year!
Fernando & Plínio
Fernando Dantas <>
Niterói, RJ Brasil - Monday, December 23, 1996 at 16:51:59 (MET)
We were really impressed with your photographs. You have gone to
a lot of effort in putting this gallery together. Inger visited
the Lofoten Islands in 1992 and is really keen to go back and
show me the sites. She is a very good photographer herself, and we
hope to start a photo gallery of the Australian bushwalking and skiing
areas that we love so much.
Look forward to coming back.
Peter and Inger Sundstrom <>
Canberra, ACT Australia - Sunday, December 22, 1996 at 13:07:00 (MET)
Norge i mitt hjerte
Eleanor Ann Malvick-Hanan <>
Lake Oawego, OR USA - Sunday, December 22, 1996 at 06:14:12 (MET)
On our way to visit, stopped here 1st!
Karl Oddvar Steen / Leslie Steen <St />
Ch.view/Houston, TX USA - Sunday, December 22, 1996 at 03:55:18 (MET)
Hei, vordan gar de?
Thomas Mauritzen
Rosemount, MN United States - Friday, December 20, 1996 at 17:38:47 (MET)
Thank you very much for your beautiful pictures!!!
It makes me kind of homesick! Because I've already been
twice to those beautiful islands. Most of the time I stayed
in Ballstad and Leknes as I was taking part in a Lions Youth
Exchange camp and afterwards stayed with the family Bugge
(he's a dentist). If you know them please give them some warm
greetings from me.
I hope to see many of your pictures with my own eyes as I
intend to come back this March as I really want to see Lofoten
once in Winter/Spring.
It's just gorgeous!
Mark Veser <>
Uster, Switzerland - Thursday, December 19, 1996 at 23:48:27 (MET)
Så sitter jeg her i Drammen og ser på de nydelige bildene hjemmefra..
Jeg vil takke for de flotte bildene fra Lofoten. Nå har jeg noe å se på hver gang jeg lengter hjem.
Nå kommer jeg ikke hjem til jul, men etter å ha sett disse bildene så må jeg innrømme at jeg gleder meg virkelig til å komme hjem til sommeren...
Nina Kibsgård <>
- Thursday, December 19, 1996 at 14:18:11 (MET)
Very nice photos.
It's good to see where my ancestors are from. Beutiful country! Maybe that explains my interest in moving to Alaska. Some day I would love to go to Norway.
I like that "mysterious" photo where about was that taken?
Keep up the good work.
David Petersen <>
West Allis, WI USA - Tuesday, December 17, 1996 at 19:40:17 (MET)
Så har også jeg sett bildene dine, etter den andressen du ga meg
Wily Hauge
- Monday, December 16, 1996 at 21:47:46 (MET)
thanks for the veiw
william midthun <billy nels@peoples,net>
rio, wi usa - Monday, December 16, 1996 at 21:39:27 (MET)
Great pictures.
Grant Jenson <net Ifx.comm>
Regina, ss Sk Canada - Sunday, December 15, 1996 at 23:29:18 (MET)
We're just about to check out your Web site. I (Hilde) am from Aalesund, but have lived in North America for many years. I have a travel article at
Hilde Farkvam-Singer and Lisa Singer <>
Waterloo, On Canada - Saturday, December 14, 1996 at 19:40:16 (MET)
heisann! nu har eg sett heimesida di!men eg finn ikkje bildan og det kunn ha vorre fint når eg sett i tjukkaste telemark og vil en snartur heim.....hilsen søstersen
hege anita eilertsen <>
- Friday, December 13, 1996 at 17:55:42 (MET)
heisann! nu har eg sett heimesida di!hilsen søstersen!
hege anita eilertsen <>
- Friday, December 13, 1996 at 17:48:16 (MET)
Hyggelig å besøke dine sider..... Er selv fra Lofoten.......
Kommer fra Laupstad innerst i austnesfjorden.....
Henning Pedersen <>
Kr.sand, - Thursday, December 12, 1996 at 20:40:55 (MET)
Heisan! Har vært innom sida di en tur. Morsomt!
E sjøl fra Sørvågen i Moskenes, men går Teknisk Fagskole i Harstad før øyeblikket.
E har beklageligvis ikkje mail- addresse, men e kommer telbake tel sida di når e har fått de.
Hei så lenge!!!
Erlend Johansen
Harstad, - Wednesday, December 11, 1996 at 20:56:54 (MET)
Those pictures you have taken are great. We are coming to
Lofoten next summer.
Merry christmas and a happy new year.
Globetrotterlauget, Høgskolen i Oslo.
Geir Rishaug <>
Oslo, Norway - Saturday, December 07, 1996 at 19:24:08 (MET)
I must say that your site is the most boaring site I've ever seen!!!
Keep on the good job!!!!
METALMAN Kobi Hubara <>
Holon, Holon - Saturday, December 07, 1996 at 17:28:32 (MET)
bra jobbet, keep up the good work
alf-eirik schnell <>
bø, - Friday, December 06, 1996 at 19:37:50 (MET)
nice pictures hope to make to Norway some day
wally sanford <>
kotzebue, ak usa - Friday, December 06, 1996 at 10:12:47 (MET)
Ni Hao!
I have the same camera, Nikon F50, and 28-70 mm Nikkor D lens.
I have not bought a zoom lens yet. All Nikon equipment fantastic,
but so bloody expensive. Are you happy with your Sigma?
Hope to show you my pictures from rural China some day. Your
picture are "j..... fine". Hva slags film bruker du og hvordan
overføre du dem til data fil?
Kim Helge Rønning <>
Beijing, P. R. China - Wednesday, December 04, 1996 at 13:58:40 (MET)
I like your pictures very much. It only makes me more eager to move to Norway as soon as possible!
Hafdis Hilmarsdottir <>
Bessastadahreppur, Island - Tuesday, December 03, 1996 at 14:22:13 (MET)
Dear Photographer,
Do you have any pictures of Svolvaer or Moskenes? I would be
very interested in seeing those. I am thinking of visiting the Lofoten
Islands this next year, and I am trying to design my vacation. I gather
that the weather is best from July 15 to August 8. Is this true? I am
planning to fly to Bodo with my wife, rent a car, and then drive north to
the road that connects the Lofoten peninsular chain to the Norwegian
maninland. My friends at IKU in Trondheim suggested that I rent a
converted fishing hut ("rorbu"?) to use as my base of operations. I
thought that I would then spend a week driving around and hiking.
Anyway, I enjoyed your pictures temendously.
Dan Ebrom <>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, December 02, 1996 at 22:25:24 (MET)
Dette var noen brae sider
Stian Ellingsen <>
Bodoe, Norge - Monday, December 02, 1996 at 11:32:22 (MET)
Hei !
Jeg kommer fra Leknes...
men har bodd i Sverige i 6 år nu
Fint med noen bilder fra vesvågöy...
Håvard Wahl <>
Stockholm, - Monday, December 02, 1996 at 09:01:48 (MET)
Det var meget fine bilder, Men kan ikke du ta noen fra Bøstad.
Andreas wolden <>
Bøstad, Norge - Saturday, November 30, 1996 at 17:55:02 (MET)
Hello Lofoten, My family really enjoyed your pictures of Lofoten. My father's mother was born in Lofoten . So this makes it extra special. My dad is right here with me and he cannot believe we are viewing pictures of his mother's birthplace. Thank you.l
Larry Allen <None>
Bellingham, Wa USA - Friday, November 29, 1996 at 06:01:59 (MET)
Hei paa deg Morten!
Du har laget et flott galleri! Bildene viser virkelig hvor
flott land vi har! Koselig aa se bilder fra hjemlandet naar
man er langt borte...Staa paa videre med fotograferingen din!
God bless you and your friend Terje!
=:) Sylvia
Sylvia Vatnoey < (just until 20.12.96)>
Belfast, Nord Irland - Wednesday, November 27, 1996 at 00:31:25 (MET)
Har länge längtat efter att få fara till Lofoten och hoppas
verkligen komma iväg till sommaren.
Efter att ha sett dina bilder blev jag bara mer angelägen om
få de allt detta i verkligheten.
Jag saknar dock bilder på späckhuggare. Kanske världens
vakraste djur.
Jenny Arnerup <>
Uppsala, Sweden - Tuesday, November 26, 1996 at 18:31:01 (MET)
I like your images. I am coming to Norway in FEBRUARY. I will come via Stockholm to Oslo. I am interested in photographing the NORTHERN Lights. I am a photographer, also new but also trained 2 years. I have a NIKON also:-) F3 and 50mm Nikon LENS f1.4 and a zoom 80 -210mm, also Nikon. i will be working in Oslo and Stockholm at the Psychodrama Institutes before photographing.
Question: Where is the best places to photograph Northern Lights?
Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you.
Sue & Ted.
sue Daniel and Ted Bugarski <>
Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Thursday, November 21, 1996 at 12:46:02 (MET)
Masse fine bilda, Morten !!
Hege Anita Jentoft
- Monday, November 18, 1996 at 16:11:47 (MET)
Very nice.
Richard Hammond <>
Burbank, CA usa - Friday, November 15, 1996 at 15:07:35 (MET)
Deilig å se Loforen igjen! Etter et år på Hadsel
Folkehøyskole i Stokmarknes, drømmer eg fremdeles
om å komme tilbake. Hadde foto og friluftsliv,
og var flere ganger i Lofoten, bla. på foto-tur til
Vindstad og kayak-tur til Trollfjorden. Eg elsker å
ta bilder og jobbe i mørkerom, og kommer til å fortsette
med det så sant eg har mulighet til det! Et spørsmål:
Bildet av Taen, er det på Hadseløya??
Kjempefine bilder du har!!
Torbjørn Turøy <>
Halden, Norway - Wednesday, November 13, 1996 at 17:10:06 (MET)
Kvifor ligg Lofoten så langt nord ?
Gunhild Snipsøyr <Kan nås på:>
Volda, Noreg - Tuesday, November 12, 1996 at 11:32:08 (MET)
Please don't tell my wife I was viewing your work.(She is Swedish)
I am a phtographer Your scenery shots are wonderful.
Jonathan <>
Harrisburg, pa usa - Monday, November 11, 1996 at 06:48:55 (MET)
Mail me!
I would like to know who created these pages!!!!
See u! :)
Bjørn Losvik <>
Volda (Leknes), Norway - Tuesday, November 05, 1996 at 12:30:46 (MET)
Hallo !!!
En liten hilsen fra tyskland, kjempe fine bilder, sänn at man nesten fär
hjemlengsel. Men nä kan jeg gä inn pä Internet ä se et par bra bilder.
Hilsen Anette
Anette Övrum
Mannheim, Tyskland - Friday, November 01, 1996 at 17:40:27 (MET)
tROMSØ, NORWAY - Friday, November 01, 1996 at 11:10:45 (MET)
Jag blev verkligen överlycklig när jag hittade dina fina bilder, för jag har nämligen bott i Gravdal!
Jag bodde där under två år, 1987-89, när min mamma jobbade på sjukhuset där, så dina bilder frambringade en hel del "barndomsminnen". Jag har inte varit på Lofoten på bra länge nu, men i sommaren som kommer hoppas jag att jag ska dyka upp igen. Tack, tack, tack!
Jag älskar Lofoten! Hälsa alla från mig!!!
Linnéa Hermansson
Linköping, Sverige - Thursday, October 31, 1996 at 22:27:58 (MET)
Hei, hei.
Nå har jeg sett på alle bildene dine. Kjente meg igjen på det bildet fra
Haukelandssanden,- der har jeg vært mange ganger.
Lofoten er bare helt fantastisk. Men du burde dratt til
Værøy og tatt bilder. Gjør det!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hilsen en utflytta Værøyværing.
Randi Berntsen <>
Alta, - Wednesday, October 30, 1996 at 17:22:30 (MET)
Thank you very much your pictures.
It was very nice to see again this island.
I was in Lofoten in 1990.
Have a tice tíme.
Best regards: Edit
Edith Sárközi <SARKOZIED>
Budapest, Hungary - Wednesday, October 30, 1996 at 17:01:16 (MET)
Takk for idag!
Roy Erling Johnsen <none>
Conyers, Ga. U.S.A. - Friday, October 25, 1996 at 21:53:25 (MET DST)
Kan ikke du fa inn noen bilder fra hardangervidda og andre turistattraksjoner i Norge. Men dette vil ikke si at hjemmesiden din er daarlig, langt i fra. Takk.
Farhan Ahmad Siddiqui <''>
London, England - Monday, October 21, 1996 at 18:39:24 (MET DST)
Your pictures are very nice and I was fascinated by them. I think you are a very good photographer.
I would like to visit Lofoten for at least two weeks next year. I have been planning this for about two years, when my friend told me about the Islands {he was there}.
I'd like to e-mail or only write with some person from Lofoten. I think it will be great. If you know about somebody who also wants, please contact me. I think a student will be best, because I'm a student too.
If you didn't find anybody who wants, please contact me to, because I need some tips for my visit of Lofoten Islands. Thanks a lot and Good Luck in your work.
Jan Sura
P.S.Please send me your e-mail adress.
LIBEREC, CZECH REPUBLIC - Thursday, October 17, 1996 at 19:49:29 (MET DST)
hi, i'm from belgium, the country without beautiful nature.
i loved your exhibition.
i don't know anything about photography,
although i would love to know something about it,
but i just know these are nice pictures.
i'd like to print them out and send them home,
just to make them jealous up there.
hope that's ok with you.
you know, these pictures make my head kind of dissy and
make my feet start to twitch, wanting to leave school here
for what it is and take the train up there.
so: nice work, i'd say.
de piere,sara < piere@>
hamar, norway - Thursday, October 17, 1996 at 13:40:33 (MET DST)
Keep working! You live in a beautiful place.
I wish I lived there too...
Your pictures are fairly good, and could be
improved if you just work on it.
Best wishes
Ravi Kappel <>
Lulea, Sweden - Wednesday, October 16, 1996 at 16:21:18 (MET DST)
Very nice photos! I've been there myself some years ago and I promise you I'll be back some day.. Norway is one of the greatest countries in the world.
Östen Kohlén <>
Sala, Sweden - Tuesday, October 08, 1996 at 08:58:18 (MET DST)
hello, leying
joanne lee <>
Chicago, IL usa - Monday, October 07, 1996 at 05:21:24 (MET DST)
I really liked your pictures. They made me long back to North-Norway, where I´m from. These images are not exactly a cure for homesickness.
Lars Indresand < (Current)>
Oslo, Norway - Saturday, October 05, 1996 at 19:56:11 (MDT;)
I have appreciated your photos. Very beatifull.
Marco Cocchi <>
Parma, Italy - Saturday, October 05, 1996 at 19:08:39 (MDT;)
My Grandfather came from Lofoten in the 1890's.
David Gronbek <>
Victoria, BC Canada - Monday, September 30, 1996 at 05:17:17 (MDT;)
I really enjoyd watching your pictures of Norway.
I've been to Norway two years ago and it gave me a very special feeling
just like your pictures do. I like te midnight sun, we don't have that
in Holland. I saw it in Iceland last year, it makes you sorry you have to
sleep at night. Anyway, I hope you will expand your gallery, and I will
be back at your page. Good bye
Ank Mertens <>
Almere, Holland - Sunday, September 29, 1996 at 16:11:48 (MDT;)
- Tuesday, September 24, 1996 at 16:36:59 (MDT;)
have not seen anything as yet to comment upon
J. Whetrock <>
Richmond, , va USA - Sunday, September 22, 1996 at 12:50:54 (MDT;)
Sorry, Morten, I didn't mean to re-baptize you. I probably
got confused when seeing your friend Terje's name on the
guestbook writing page :-) Katrine
Katrine Fjeldal Clip
- Thursday, September 19, 1996 at 22:04:41 (MDT;)
Hei Terje!
I love your pictures! I have never been so far north in Norway
and really enjoyed seeing some more of my country. I keep a
collection of pictures myself, showing off Norway to whoever is
interested. If you allow me to, I would like to copy them and
present you and your pictures&stories on my pages. What do you
say :-) ?
Hilsen Katrine (writing in English to be understood
by the majority of the web community...)
Katrine Fjeldal Clip <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Thursday, September 19, 1996 at 21:58:14 (MDT;)
Hi, Morten. I have been searching for good pictures of the
Lofoten for a long time. Finally I found them in your
gallery. Your pics are THE BEST. I downloaded them all onto
my HD and get "hungry" on Norway everytime I browse them
thru. I`ve been in South-Norway Sept 95 and intend to visit
Lofoten in Jun 97. Norway is the most beautiful country I`ve
ever been to. Keep on....
Greetings from Nuernberg
Matthias Kolb <>
Nuernberg, Germany - Wednesday, September 18, 1996 at 13:07:43 (MDT;)
I love your pictures - I spent my summer in Norway
but didn't come away with quite as good photographs.
I'll let you know when I get mine scanned.
Jordan Sorensen <>
Seattle, WA USA - Tuesday, September 17, 1996 at 06:47:14 (MDT;)
Wonderfull don't give up
Beaumont Lyse <>
québec, Canada - Sunday, September 15, 1996 at 05:53:21 (MDT;)
Ja, jeg elsker dette landet, ogsa jeg som bor i Sveits og lenger etter norsk landskaper og natur. Bildene dine hjelper meg aa holde ut til den neste ferietur. Jeg haaper den kommer snart. Takk og hilsen! Urs Nufer
Urs Nufer <>
Allschwil, BL Sveits - Saturday, September 14, 1996 at 18:06:43 (MDT;)
I see your pictures and the only word I can say is BEATIFULL!!!
I like so much all. I want to suggest something, because I
live in the desert place, why you don't take a pictures of
someone desert, can you do that? it will be fabolous.
Thank you.
Sergio Mario Millan Castillo.
Sergio Mario Millan Castillo <m011917@infrs.mxl.cetys>
Mexicali, BC Mexico - Saturday, September 14, 1996 at 05:55:36 (MDT;)
Your pictures are beautiful, and so is your Country.
Thanks for sharing them.
Jim Sikes <>
Herndon, VA USA - Wednesday, September 11, 1996 at 19:43:01 (MDT;)
Beautiful pictures.
Arthur Tan <>
Perth, WA Australia - Wednesday, September 11, 1996 at 01:56:20 (MDT;)
Lovely photos - more 'people' shots of life in Norway would be great too.
Stephanie Bennett <>
Sydney, nsw Australia - Wednesday, September 11, 1996 at 01:12:29 (MDT;)
Nice pictures!
Michael Hyman <>
Redmond, WA USA - Wednesday, September 11, 1996 at 00:49:24 (MDT;)
As a native Vestvågøyværing, it's nice to see pictures of
home on Internet, when the rain is too heavy in Bergen and
the work is too boring. Well done!
Arild Angelsen <>
Bærgen, Norway - Tuesday, September 03, 1996 at 10:48:16 (MDT;)
Hei Morten,
Er jeg den eneste gjesten så langt? I så fall takker jeg for den
store æren.
Jeg syntes at du hadde noen kjempefine bilder. Jeg var dessverre for
utålmodig til å vente til alle bildene var lastet ned, men jeg fikk med meg
de 12 første. Og de var så fine (de fleste av dem) at jeg skal komme tilbake
senere og se på resten.
Jeg fant forresten adressen til hjemmesiden din i en spansk gjestebok. Verden
er jammen liten!
Dessuten må jeg si at jeg falt pladask for han derre fyren som
står og borrer på forsiden din. Jeg har ikke sett sånne med lyd før.

Thrude Wolden <>
Bodø, Norge - Friday, August 09, 1996 at 19:07:33 (MDT;)
just testing