TBSoft Dentist Assistant Main Page
Dentist Assistant is authored by TBSolutions
As of 11. october 1999, Dentist Assistant 2000 has now been released. A free, downloadable demo version can be found within these pages as well as a brief introduction to Dentist Assistant and what services it provides.
The 'About Dentist Assistant'-section presents Dentist Assistant and establishes what it supports and what it does not support. This will be a good starting point for readers who are interested in learning more about Dentist Assistant and may consider start using Dentist Assistant in their business.
The 'Download Section' contains the Dentist Assistant 2000 demo that is downloadable free of charge, as well as other miscellaneous files, patches or utilities for Dentist Assistant 2000.
A Y2K-problem was detected in one of the components used by Dentist Assistant. This problem is now fixed and updated versions for both registered users and demo version users are available for download in the download section.