03.10.2006 | 18:06
Pictures from Navarathiri pooja.

25.09.2006 | 14:14
Navarathripoojai started 23..09. Pictures will be added soon.

25.09.2006 | 14:14
1-year anniversary. Pictures from this day.

25.09.06 | 14:14
Tiller Ganesha`s new address is www.tillerganesha.org

25.01.2006 | 21:04
Tillerganesha priest, Sutharsayyar, do poojai everyday at 7.00pm.

31.10.2005 | 18:20
Deepavali "Special" Poojai Klokken 19.00.

02.11.05 - 07.11.05 at 19.00.
08.11.05 at 06.00 Paraanai Maheswara Poojai.

13.10.05 | 01:30
Images from "Navarathri Poojai" added.
Day 7 | Day 9

09.10.05 | 00:42
Images from "Navarathri Poojai" added.
Day 5

08.10.05 | 01:37
Images from "Navarathri Poojai" added.
Day 1 | Day 3 | Day 4

23.09.05 | 23:35
Images from "mandalaabisheka-purthivila" 19.09.05 added.
Mandalaabisheka Purthivila videos added. Go to downloads section to watch the videos.

18.09.05 | 23.12
New images from 18.09.05 poojai added.

14.09.05 | 21.38
New images from 12.09.05 poojai is added on images section.

10.09.05 | 23:12
Kumpabisheka Mahotshamam Videos added. Go to downloads section to watch the videos.
New images from todays poojai.

07.09.05 | 23:25
Images taken under todays poojai. Poojanaal 3

07.09.05 | 12.49
Article from a norwegian newspaper, Byavisa.
Read article (9/7/2005 9:49:00 AM)

07.09.05 | 10:50
Images taken under Tiler Ganesha`s first "pooja" day 05.09.05.

07.09.05 | 10.37
Tiller Ganesha is now in the final phase. Images taken from this phase will be added in Phase 6.

03.09.05 | 02:39
Some new images from Phase 6 added. Check out Phase 6.

01.08.05 | 23:11
New images added in images section. Click here to view Phase 5 images.

30.07.05 | 11:24
Tillerganesha.info opened.

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