Subject: Write-Ups: All Star Squadron (Atom, Commander Steel) Atom (Al Pratt) 25 Str 15 5 Jab +1 +3 Strike = 10d6 26 Dex 48 4 Hook -2 +0 Strike +4d6 = 14d6 20 Con 20 4 Cross +0 +2 Strike +2d6 = 12d6 12 Bod 4 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 18 Int 8 4 Clinch -1 -1 Grab, +10 Str = 60 Str 17 Ego 14 20 5 Martial Damage Classes 23 Pre 13 14 Com 2 8 Pd 3 8 Ed 4 2 +1" Running 6 Spd 24 4 Sciences: Physics, Radiation 11- 9 Rec - 40 End - 25 5 HTH levels 35 Stn - --- --- 155+ 73 = 228 100+ 15 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Strong) 15 Psyche Lim: Likes to Fight (Common, Strong) 15 Psyche Lim: Overconfident (Common, Strong) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 15 Secret ID 5 Distinctive Features: Small (Easily Concealable, Noticed) 43 Total Prat(t) Bonus --- 228 98-pound weakling Al-Pratt got trained by ex-boxing great Joe Morgan. After he developed his physique and fighting style he decided to become a costumed adventurer instead of a boxer. After his delayed effect radiation accident, he looked like this: 50 Str 40 5 5/5 resistant pd/ed 26 Dex 48 12 1/2 End Str 23 Con 26 12 Bod 4 5 Jab +1 +3 Strike = 15d6 18 Int 8 4 Hook -2 +0 Strike +4d6 = 19d6 17 Ego 14 4 Cross +0 +2 Strike +2d6 = 17d6 23 Pre 13 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 14 Com 2 4 Clinch -1 -1 Grab, +10 Str = 85 Str 20 Pd 10 20 5 Martial Damage Classes 20 Ed 15 2 +1" Running 6 Spd 24 4 Sciences: Physics, Radiation 11- 15 Rec - 46 End - 32 4 Combat levels 49 Stn - 5 1 HTH level --- --- 204+108 = 312 =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Commander Steel (Hank Heywood) 45 Str 30 7 1 level Density Increase, Always On 23 Dex 39 23 Con 26 34 Multipower 16 Bod 12 3 +17" Running=23" [5] 18 Int 8 1 +10" Superleap=19" 15 Ego 10 23 Pre 13 3 Concealment 13- 16 Com 3 9 Combat Driving, Climbing, Stealth 14- 25 Pd 16 6 Acting, Conversation 14- 25 Ed 19 3 Language: German 6 Spd 27 4 Biology, Biochemistry 11- 13 Rec - 46 End - 11 1/2 End Str [2] 48 Stn - 12 12/12 resistant pd/ed --- 5 Lack of Weakness 203 5 Jab +1 +3 Strike = 9d6 4 Hook -2 +0 Strike +4d6 = 13d6 4 Cross +0 +2 Strike +2d6 = 11d6 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 4 Clinch -1 -1 Grab, +10 Str = 55 Str 20 2 Overall levels --- +145 = 348 100+ 15 Secret ID 15 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Strong) 15 Psyche Lim: Overconfident (Common, Strong) 203 Red White & Blue Bonus --- 348 Hank Heywood was injured by a bomb planted by a saboteur. Faced with life as a quadrapelegic, he volunteered for a experimental bionic augmentation treatment and became Commander Steel. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Subject: Write-Ups: All Star Squadron (Dr Mid-Nite, Firebrand II) Dr Mid-Nite (Dr Charles McNider) 20 Str 10 20 N-Ray Vision (Can see in darkness) 23 Dex 39 18 Con 16 40 Darkness vs Norm, 5" Radius, 8ch, 1 turn duration, IIF 12 Bod 4 23 Int 13 5 Jab +1 +3 Strike = 7d6 15 Ego 10 4 Hook -2 +0 Strike +4d6 = 11d6 18 Pre 8 4 Cross +0 +2 Strike +2d6 = 9d6 12 Com 1 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 8 Pd 4 4 Clinch -1 -1 Grab, +10 Str = 45 Str 8 Ed 4 12 3 Damage Classses 6 Spd 27 8 Rec - 9 Breakfall, Climbing, Stealth 14- 36 End - 3 Criminology, Inventor, Forensic Medicine 14- 31 Stn - 6 Scientist, Anatomy, Chemistry, Opthamology 11- --- 2 Prof SKill: Surgeon 11- 136 20 2 Overall levels 2 +1" Running --- + 135 =271 100 10 Physical Lim: Needs special goggles to see in normal light. (Infreq, Great) 15 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Strong) 15 Secret ID 131 --- 271 Blinded by a bomb intended for a patient of his, Charles McNider found that he could see in total darkness but was blind during the day. He developed some special equipment to take advantage of his bizarre condition and became Dr Mid-nite. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Firebrand II (Danielle Reilly) 18 Str 8 34 Elemental Control: Fire, 67.5 Active Points 20 Dex 30 27 9d6 Energy Blast, 0 End, No KB 15 Con 10 34 20/25 Force Field, 0 End 11 Bod 2 35 23" Flight, 0 End 23 Int 13 29 7d6 Energy Blast, 0 End, Damage Shield 17 Ego 14 20 Pre 10 22 +30 Resistant Energy Defense, Only vs Fire (-1) 24 Com 7 7 +10 Resistant Physical Defense, Only vs Meltable (-1/2), 8 Pd 4 Linked to Damage Shield 8 Ed 4 5 Spd 20 2 Life Support vs Extreme Heat 7 Rec - 30 End - 4 Science Skills: Geology, Vulcanology 11- 28 Stn - 6 +2 w/Energy Blast --- --- 123 +200 = 323 100+ 15 Secret ID 20 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Total) 15 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Strong) 15 Psyche Lim: Overconfident (Common, Strong) 158 Nepotism Bonus --- 323 The sister of Firebrand I, Danette Reilly fell into a pool of artificial lava created by Per Degaton and emerged as Firebrand II. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Subject: Write-Ups: All Star Squadron (Flash, Fury) Golden Age Flash (Jay Garrick) 20 Str 10 216 65" Flight, 0 End, x2^16 non-combat, Only Along Surfaces (-1/4) 23 Dex 39 34 +17 Lightning Reflexes (acts at 40 Dex) 20 Con 20 13 Bod 6 60 Multipower: Superspeed tricks 18 Int 8 51 4d6 Energy Blast vs PD, Autofire, 20 shots, 0 End, AOE hexes, 14 Ego 8 Selective, x64 Are (128 hexes), Takes Damage Shields (-1/4), 18 Pre 8 Must be able to run to Targets (-1/4) 12 Com 1 6 Desolid, 0 End "Vibrate" 8 Pd 4 6 7 Combat levels 8 Ed 4 4 Extra Dimensional Transport, Related Group, 0 End 9 Spd 57 "Match the vibrational rate of other universes" 8 Rec - 4 Missile Deflection, All Physical, +12 to Roll, Affects Adjacent Attacks 40 End - 5 +40" Superleap, 0 End, Only with running jumps (-1/4) 33 Stn - 6 4 Def Tunneling, 6"/phase, 0 End --- 54 10d6 Energy Blast, AOE line, x2 KB, 0 End, KB Only (-1) 165 3 +6d6 Hand Attack, 0 End 20 +10 levels w/Dive for Cover manuver 30 +15 levels w/Autofire EB 8 Science: Chemistry 14- 3 Speed Reading 20 2 Overall levels --- + 530 = 695 100+ 15 Secret ID 15 DNPC: Wife - Joan Garrick, Incompetent, 8- 20 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Total) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 525 Funny Looking Helmet Bonus --- 695 =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Fury (Helena Kosmatos) 50 Str 40 10 10/10 Resistant 30 Dex 60 24 12/12 Armor, OIF 23 Con 39 13 Bod 6 34 Multipower 18 Int 8 3 +17" Running = 23" [5] 14 Ego 8 2 +25" Superleap = 35" [7] 25 Pre 15 26 Com 8 6 Oratory, Persuation 14- 20 Pd 10 2 Area Know: Greece 11- 20 Ed 15 3 English (Greek native) 6 Spd 20 12 1/2 End Str [2] 15 Rec - 46 End - 50 Stn - 15 3 Hand to Hand levels --- --- 216 +111 = 327 100+ 18 Enraged vs Foes she seeks vengeance against (Very Common, 14/8) This was originally a berserk, but she mellowed out. 20 Psyche Lim: Must fight Nazis (Common, Strong) 15 Secret ID 174 Retcon Bonus --- 327 A young member of the Greek resistance, Helena was possesed by the Greek Furies when her father was killed. She uses her powers on a mission of vengeance against the Nazis. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Subject: All-Star Sqd.: Flash write-ups Many thanks to Sam bell for the write-ups so far. However, I have a couple of questions about the Flash write up. I ran it through Heromaker, just for shits and giggles, and I even tried it with giving him running instead of flight on surface to appease those of you who have a problem with it. Here we go: 20 STR 10 23 DEX 39 20 CON 20 13 BODY 6 18 INT 8 14 EGO 8 18 PRE 8 12 COM 1 8 PD 4 8 ED 4 9 SPD 57 8 REC 0 40 END 0 33 STUN 0 Characteristics Cost: 165 216 65" Flight,x2K Non-Combat,Only along surfaces(-1/4),0 END(+1/2) 0 34 +17 Lightning Reflexes (Acts at DEX 40) 60 MP(Superspeed Tricks) (60) 27u 4D6 EB,vs physical defense,Takes Damage Shields(-1/4),Must be able to run to targets(-1/4),x20 Autofire(+1),0 END(+1/2),Area Effect(+2 1/4) selective target,x64 Increased Area 0 6u 7 Levels,all combat 6u Desolid(Vibrate),0 END(+1/2) 0 4u X-D Move,"Match the vibrational rate of other universes", group of dimensions,0 END(+1/2) 0 6u 18 OCV Missile Deflection,"vs all physical attacks",deflect all attacks, deflect adjacent 5u +40" Superleap,Only with running jumps(-1/4),0 END(+1/2) 0 9u 6" Tunneling,4 DEF Increased Def,0 END(+1/2) 0 81 10D6 EB,Knockback Only(-1),Area Effect(+1),line,Double Knockback(+3/4), 0 END(+1/2) 0 27 6D6 HA,0 END(+1/2) 0 20 10 Levels: with Dive for Cover Maneuver 30 15 Levels: with Autofire EB 4 SC:Chemistry 14-,(INT based) 3 Speed Reading 20 2 Levels,all skills Powers Cost: 558 Total Cost: 723 Base Points: 100 15 Secret ID,"Jay Garrick" 15 DNPC,"Joan Garrick",incompetent,appear 8- 20 Psych Lim,"Code vsKilling",common,total 20 Psych Lim,"Superpatriot",common,total 553 Funny Looking Hat bonus Disadvantages Total: 623 Experience Spent: 0 Total Points: 723 20 STR 10 23 DEX 39 20 CON 20 13 BODY 6 18 INT 8 14 EGO 8 18 PRE 8 12 COM 1 8 PD 4 8 ED 4 9 SPD 57 8 REC 0 40 END 0 33 STUN 0 Characteristics Cost: 165 394 +59" Running,x2^30 Non-Combat,0 END(+1/2) 0 34 +17 Lightning Reflexes (Acts at DEX 40) 60 MP (Superspeed Tricks) (60) 27u 4D6 EB,vs physical defense,Takes Damage Shields(-1/4),Must be able to run to targets(-1/4),x20 Autofire(+1),0 END (+1/2),Area Effect(+2 1/4),selective target,x64 Increased Area 0 6u 7 Levels,all combat 6u Desolid (Vibrate),0 END(+1/2) 0 4u X-D Move,"Match the vibrational rate of other universes", group of dimensions,0 END(+1/2) 0 6u 18 OCV Missile Deflection,"vs all physical attacks",deflect all attacks,deflect adjacent 5u +40" Superleap,Only with running jumps(-1/4),0 END(+1/2) 0 9u 6" Tunneling,4 DEF Increased Def,0 END(+1/2) 0 81 10D6 EB,Knockback Only(-1),Area Effect(+1),line,Double Knockback(+3/4),0 END(+1/2) 0 27 6D6 HA,0 END(+1/2) 0 20 10 Levels: with Dive for Cover Maneuver 30 15 Levels: with Autofire EB 4 SC:Chemistry 14-,(INT based) 3 Speed Reading 20 2 Levels,all skills Powers Cost: 736 Total Cost: 901 Base Points: 100 15 Secret ID,"Jay Garrick" 15 DNPC,"Joan Garrick",incompetent,appear 8- 20 Psych Lim,"Code vs Killing",common,total 20 Psych Lim,"Superpatriot",common,total 731 Funny Looking Hat bonus Disadvantages Total: 801 Experience Spent: 0 Total Points: 901 Subject: Write-Ups: All Star Squadron (Hawkman, Hawkwoman) Golden Age Hawkman (Carter Hall) 25 Str 15 12 4 levels Telescope Vision (+8 vs RM) 26 Dex 48 15 4d6 Telepathy 0 End, Only vs Birds (-1) 20 Con 20 6 Acrobatics, Breakfall 15- 13 Bod 6 6 Persuation, Streetwise 13- 23 Int 13 9 Criminology, Forensic Med, Paramedics 14- 18 Ego 16 4 PS: Archeology, History 11- 20 Pre 10 16 Com 3 5 Jab +1 +3 Strike = 12d6 8 Pd 3 4 Punch +0 +2 Strike +2d6 = 14d6 8 Ed 4 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 6 Spd 24 4 Dodge - +5 Abort 9 Rec - 3 Throw +0 +1 Strike +v/5 40 End - 16 4 Damage Classes 36 Stn - 6 +3 Damage Classes, OAF "Mace" (Already added in) --- 162 20 2 Overall levels 45 25" Flight, x4 non-combat 1/2 End OIF 14 12/12 Armor, OIF, 14- Only from behind (-1/2) 6 1/2 End Str [1] ---- + 179 = 341 100+ 15 Secret ID 15 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Strong) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 10 Hunted: Anton Hastur (As Powerful, 8-) 5 Love: Sheira 176 Cool Mask Bonus --- 341 =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Golden Age Hawkwoman (Shiera Hall) 20 Str 10 12 4 levels Telescope Vision (+8 vs RM) 26 Dex 48 15 4d6 Telepathy 0 End, Only vs Birds (-1) 20 Con 20 6 Acrobatics, Breakfall 15- 13 Bod 6 6 Persuation, Streetwise 13- 23 Int 13 9 Criminology, Forensic Med, Paramedics 14- 18 Ego 16 4 PS: Archeology, History 11- 20 Pre 10 16 Com 3 5 Jab +1 +3 Strike = 11d6 8 Pd 4 4 Punch +0 +2 Strike +2d6 = 13d6 8 Ed 4 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 6 Spd 24 4 Dodge - +5 Abort 8 Rec - 3 Throw +0 +1 Strike +v/5 40 End - 16 4 Damage Classes 33 Stn - 6 +3 Damage Classes, OAF "Mace" (Already added in) --- 158 20 2 Overall levels 45 25" Flight, x4 non-combat 1/2 End OIF 14 12/12 Armor, OIF, 14- Only from behind (-1/2) 6 1/2 End Str [1] ---- + 179 = 337 100+ 15 Secret ID 20 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Total) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 10 Hunted: Anton Hastur (As Powerful, 8-) 5 Love: Carter 176 Cool Mask Bonus --- 167 =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Subject: Write-Ups: All Star Squadron (Hourman, Iron Monroe) Hourman (Rex "Tick-Tock" Tyler) 20 Str 10 6 Scientist: Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmaceuticals 11- 20 Dex 30 3 Inventor 13- 18 Con 16 12 Bod 4 35 +45 Str, Doesn't Add, 8ch, 1 turn duration (+3/4), IIF (-1/4), 18 Int 8 Must wait 1 hour before using again (-1/2) 13 Ego 6 35 15/15 Armor, Costs charges (-1/2), 8ch, 1 turn duration, IIF, 20 Pre 10 Must wait 1 hour 14 Com 2 30 +15" Running, 8ch, 1 turn duration, IIF, Must wait 1 hour 8 Pd 4 8 Ed 4 5 Spd 20 8 Rec - 36 End - 31 Stn - 16 2 Combat levels --- --- 114 +125 = 239 100+ 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriotic (Common, Total) 20 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Total) 20 Psyche Lim: Miraclo Addict (Very Common, Strong) 15 Secret Identity 64 Junkie Bonus --- 239 Note: The addiction to Miraclo is a ret-con. In a true Golden Age campaign, heroes only use medication in a responsible manner. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== "Iron" Monroe (Arnold Monroe) 60 Str 50 40 40/40 Resistant Pd/Ed 30 Dex 60 34 Multipower 33 Con 46 3 +17" Running = 23" 20 Bod 20 3 +34" Superleap = 46" 18 Int 8 13 Ego 6 15 1/2 End Str [3] 20 Pre 10 16 Com 3 40 Pd 28 40 Ed 33 6 Spd 20 19 Rec - 66 End - 67 Stn - --- --- 284+ 95 = 279 100+ 15 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Strong) 15 Psyche Lim: Overconfident (Common, Strong) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 10 Public ID 139 Skunk Bonus --- 279 The illegitimate son of Hugo Danner, a World War I-era metahuman. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Subject: Write-Ups: All Star Squadron (Johnny Quick, Judomaster) Johnyy Quick (Johnny Chambers) 20 Str 10 275 Multipower: Superrunning 23 Dex 39 22 75" Flight, 0 End, x2^11 non-combat, Only along surfaces (-1/4) 20 Con 20 20 75" Flight, 1/2 End, x2^4 non-combat [7] 13 Bod 6 15 Int 5 60 Multipower: Superspeed tricks 11 Ego 2 51 4d6 Energy Blast vs PD, Autofire, 20 shots, 0 End, AOE hexes, 18 Pre 8 Selective, x64 Area (128 hexes), Takes Damage Shields (-1/4), 16 Com 3 Must be able to run to Targets (-1/4) "Run around hitting people" 8 Pd 4 6 Desolid, 0 End "Vibrate" 8 Ed 4 6 7 Combat levels 8 Spd 47 3 +6d6 Hand Attack, 0 End 8 Rec - 4 Missile Deflection, All Physical, +12 to Roll, Affects Adjacent Attacks 40 End - 54 10d6 Energy Blast, AOE line, x2 Knock-Back, 0 End, Knock-Back Only (-1) 33 Stn - --- 148 20 +10 levels w/Dive for Cover manuver 30 +15 levels w/Autofire EB 3 Speed Reading 6 Criminology, Deduction 12- 2 Prof Skill: Photojournalist 11- 10 1 Overall level --- + 572 = 720 100+ 15 Secret ID 5 Love: Liberty Belle 20 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Total) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 15 Phys Lim: Must say "Xx2(9yz)4a" before using powers (Uncommon, Total) 545 --- 720 =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Judomaster (Rip Jagger) 25 Str 15 5 Jab +1 / +3 Strike = 11d6 29 Dex 57 5 Kick -2 / +1 Strike +4d6 = 15d6 20 Con 20 4 Dodge - / +5 Abort 13 Bod 6 4 Escape +0 / +0 +15 Str vs Grab = 70 Str 18 Int 8 3 M Throw +0 / +1 Strike = 11d6 + v/5 17 Ego 14 24 6 Martial Damage Classes 20 Pre 10 12 Breakfall, Climbing, Combat Driving, Stealth 15- 12 Com 1 3 Surival: Jungle 11- 8 Pd 3 9 Concealment, Paramedic, Tracking 13- 8 Ed 4 3 Oratory 13- 7 Spd 31 9 Rec - 30 3 Overall levels 40 End - 2 +1" Running 36 Stn - 31 Follower: Tiger (153 pts) --- --- 169+135 = 304 Tiger 20 Str 10 5 Jab +1 / +3 Strike = 6d6 23 Dex 39 5 Kick -2 / +1 Strike +4d6 = 10d6 15 Con 10 4 Dodge - / +5 Abort 10 Bod - 4 Escape +0 / +0 +15 Str vs Grab = 45 Str 13 Int 3 3 M Throw +0 / +1 Strike = 6d6 + v/5 11 Ego 2 8 2 Damage Classes 18 Pre 8 9 Breakfall, Climbing, Stealth 14- 10 Com - 8 Pd 4 16 2 Combat levels 8 Ed 4 2 +1" Running 5 Spd 17 7 Rec - 30 End - 28 Stn - --- --- 97 +56 = 153 Note: I haven't seen enough of these guys to guess at their disads, but I thought they were interesting enough to be written up. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Subject: Write-Ups: All Star Squadron (Liberty Belle, Robotman) Libery Belle (Libby Lawrence) 18 Str 8 3 Breakfall 13- 18 Dex 24 9 Concealment, Criminology, Deduction 14- 18 Con 16 6 Conversation, Oratory 14- 12 Bod 4 2 Prof SKill: Journalist 11- 23 Int 13 5 Jab +1 +3 Strike = 5 1/2 d6 15 Ego 10 4 Hook -2 +0 Strike +4d6 = 9 1/2 d6 23 Pre 13 4 Cross +0 +2 Strike +2d6 = 7 1/2 d6 26 Com 8 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 8 Pd 4 4 Clinch -1 -1 Grab, +10 Str = 38 Str 8 Ed 4 8 2 Damage Classes 5 Spd 22 2 +1" Running 8 Rec - 36 End - 5 +10 Str, 0 End, Doesn't Add to Figured, IIF, Only When Liberty 30 Stn - Bell is rung (-1) --- 7 +6 Dex, -.3 Spd, IIF, Only When Bell is Rung (-1) 126 4 3/3 Armor, IIF, Only When Bell is Rung (-1) 67 8d6 Energy Blast, AOE Cone, 0 End, No Rng 30 3 Overall levels --- + 164 = 290 100+ 20 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Total) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 15 Secret ID 5 Love: Johnny 130 --- 290 She gained the 8d8 EB (Sonic) in 1942. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Robotman (Dr Robert Crane) 45 Str 35 13 2 Levels Density Increase, Always On 23 Dex 39 45 +17" Running = 23", 1/2 End [2] 30 Con 40 11 1/2 End Str [2] 15 Bod 10 20 20/20 Resistant Pd/Ed 28 Int 18 5 Flash Defense 17 Ego 14 18 6 Levels Telescope Vision (x64 range) 23 Pre 13 24 Life Support: Temp, Pressure, Eat, Self Contained, Disease 8 Com -1 33 Pd 24 3 Inventor 15- 33 Ed 24 6 Mechanics, Electronics 11- 5 Spd 17 6 Scientist, Metallurgy, Robotics, Micromotors 11- 13 Rec - 60 End - 5 Jab +1 +3 Strike = 10d6 48 Stn - 4 Hook -2 +0 Strike +4d6 = 14d6 --- 4 Cross +0 +2 Strike +2d6 = 12d6 223 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 4 Clinch -1 -1 Grab, +10 Str = 60 Str 20 2 Overall levels --- 192 = 415 100+ 25 Distinctive Features: Rivets, Not concealable, Extreme Reaction 15 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Strong) 15 Psyche Lim: Overconfident (Common, Strong) 15 Psyche Lim: Wants Old Body Back (Common, Strong) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 250 Robobonus --- 415 Dying from a gunshot wound, Dr Crane has his brain transplanted into a robotic body of his own design. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Subject: Write-Ups: All Star Squadron (Sandman, Shining Knight) Sandman (Wesley Dodds) 20 Str 10 5 Jab +1 +3 Strike = 6d6 23 Dex 39 4 Hook -2 +0 Strike +4d6 = 10d6 18 Con 16 4 Cross +0 +2 Strike +2d6 = 8d6 12 Bod 4 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 23 Int 13 4 Clinch -1 -1 Grab, +10 Str = 40 Str 15 Ego 10 8 2 Damage Classes 18 Pre 8 14 Com 2 9 Breakfall, Climbing, Stealth 14- 8 Pd 4 3 High Society 13- 8 Ed 4 12 Concealment, Criminology, Deduction, Inventor 14- 6 Spd 27 3 Weaponsmith 11- 8 Rec - 3 Streetwise 13- 36 End - 37 5d6 NND AOE Radius (2"), OAF 16ch "Gas Gun" 31 Stn - 15 Multipower 30 active, OAF "Wiregun" --- 1 u 20" Swinging 127 1 u 20 Str TK, Only for grab/pulling in (-1/2) 7 Life Support: Self Contained Breathing OIF "Gas Mask" 2 +1" Running 30 3 Overall levels 29 Follower: Sandy (143 pts) --- + 181 = 308 100+ 15 Secret ID 10 Reputation 11- (Sandman is believed to be a criminal (pre-1942)) 15 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Strong) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 148 Fashion Victim Bonus --- 280 Sandy (Sandy Hawkins) 15 Str 5 4 Punch +0 +2 Strike +2d6 = 7d6 20 Dex 30 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 15 Con 10 3 Throw +0 +1 Strike +v/5 11 Bod 2 4 Dodge - +5 Abort 10 Int - 4 Disarm -1 +1 Disarm, +10 Str 10 Ego - 8 2 Damage Classes 15 Pre 5 12 Com 1 12 Breakfall, Climbing, Stealth 13- 8 Pd 5 6 Criminology, Deduction 8 Ed 5 2 +1" Running 5 Spd 20 6 Rec - 15 Multipower 30 active, OAF "Wiregun" 30 End - 1 u 20" Swinging 27 Stn - 1 u 15 Str TK, Only for grab/pulling in (-1/2) --- --- 81 +64 = 145 Note: This is the 4-color version of Sandman, and may not represent the version seen in Sandman Mystery Theatre. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Shining Knight (Sir Justin) 23 Str 13 9 Animal Handler (Horse) 14- 26 Dex 48 9 Riding 17- 20 Con 20 13 Bod 6 5 Jab +1 +3 Strike = 6 1/2 d6 18 Int 8 4 Hook -2 +0 Strike +4d6 = 8 1/2 d6 14 Ego 8 4 Cross +0 +2 Strike +2d6 =10 1/2 d6 20 Pre 10 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 14 Com 2 8 2 Damage Classes 8 Pd 3 8 Ed 4 40 20/20 Armor, OIF 6 Spd 24 4 10pts Flash Def, OIF, Only vs Magic (-1) 9 Rec - 4 10pts Power Def, OIF, Only vs Magic (-1) 40 End - 12 Full Life Support, OIF, Only vs Magic (-1) 35 Stn - ---- 30 3d6 HKA, 0 End, No KB, OAF (4d6+1 w/Str) 146 15 3 HTH levels 24 3 Combat levels 39 Winged Victory --- 217 = 363 100+ 15 Psyche Lim: Overconfident (Common, Strong) 15 Secret ID 20 Psyche Lim: Code of Chivalry (Common, Total) 10 Psyche Lim: Unfamiliar with Modern World (Common, Moderate) 203 Shining Bonus --- 363 Winged Victory 35 Str 25 20 3 levels growth, Always On 20 Dex 30 4 1pip HKA, Reduced Penetration "Bite" 27 Con 34 12 +4d6 Hand Attack "Hooves" 18 Bod 10 6 2pd/2ed Armor 5 Int -5 8 +4" Running 8 Ego -4 3 +1 Perception 10 Com - 4 +2 Hearing 12 Pd 8 4 +2 Smell 12 Ed 7 33 23" Flying, 1/2 End [2] No non-combat (-1/4) 5 Spd 20 Needs 4 hex wide area to fly (-1/4) 9 Rec - Turn mode=23" (-1/4) 54 End - 42 Stn - --- --- 110 +94 = 204 194 base+ 10 No fine manipulation --- =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Subject: Write-Ups: All Star Squadron (Spectre, Starman) Spectre (Jim Corrigan) 88 Str 78 40 40/40 Resistant Pd/Ed 38 Dex 84 30 Full Life Support 45 Con 70 20 26pts Mental Defense 22 Bod 24 20 20pts Power Defense 38 Int 18 44 0 End Str 28 Ego 36 55 Pre 45 35 360 Degreee Spatial Awareness 10 Com - 151 Sense Magic at Range, 360 degrees, Targeting, 40 Pd 22 Discriminatory, +38 to Per Roll 40 Ed 31 65 Extra-Dimensional Travel, Any Dimension, x32 Mass 12 Spd 72 612 245 Point Cosmic Power Pool 27 Rec - 90 End - 89 Stn - --- --- 480+1017 = 1497 100+ 13 Watched: God (More Powerful, NCI, 11-) 25 Distinctive Features: Not Concealable, Extreme Reaction (Spooky) 15 Secret ID 1344 Big Bonus ---- 1497 This is how he was in the Golden Age. In the Silver Age, he became much tougher (then much wimpier, then tougher, but not nearly as tough he once was). Some of Spectre's favorite things to do with his power pool are: Getting Really Big: 150 20 levels Growth, 0 End 30 +20 resistant Pd 55 +55 Pre Confusing his enemies, then picking them up in the palm of his hand: 30 Darkness vs Normal, 2" Radius, 0 End "Fog" 210 7 levels Shrinking, Usable Against Others @ Range, 0 End Putting a German Army to Sleep: 232 6d6 NND, AOE hexes,Totally Invisible, x2^15 Area (32,768 hexes) 0 End Defense is Life Support: No need to sleep =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Starman (Ted Knight) 18 Str 8 7 Scientist: Physics, Gravity, Astronomy, Stellar Evolution 23 Dex 39 3 Inventor 13- 18 Con 16 3 Electroncis 11- 12 Bod 4 20 Int 10 Cosmic Control Rod: 14 Ego 8 15 10/10 Forcefield, 0 End, OAF 20 Pre 10 60 30" Flight, 0 End, x128 non-combat, OAF 12 Com 1 84 Multipower: 168.75 active, OAF 8 Pd 4 8 u 75 Str Telekinesis, 0 End "Gravity Control" 8 Ed 4 4 u 13d6 Energy Blast, 0 End, No KB "Flame Blast" 5 Spd 17 3 u Missile Deflection: All Physical (15pts), +10 to Roll, 8 Rec - Usable at range 36 End - 30 Stn - 20 2 Overall levels --- --- 121 +207 = 328 100+ 15 Secret Identity 15 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Strong) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 178 Star Bonus --- 328 =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Subject: Write-Ups: All Star Squadron (Superman, Tarantula) Golden Age Superman (Clark Kent/Kal-L) 53 Str 43 40 40/40 Resistant Pd/Ed 33 Dex 69 9 Life Support: Temperature, Pressure, Disease 30 Con 40 5 Flash Defense 18 Bod 16 20 N-Ray Vision, Can't see through Lead 28 Int 18 3 Ultrasonic Hearing 20 Ego 20 21 7 levels Telescopic Hearing (x128 range) 35 Pre 25 30 10 levels Telescopic Vision (x1024 range) 18 Com 4 40 Pd 29 40 Multipower 40 Ed 34 4 +20" Running = 26" 8 Spd 37 4 +40" Superleap = 51" 17 Rec - 60 End - 13 1/2 End Str [2] 60 Stn - --- 2 Prof Skill: Journalist 11- 335 --- +191 = 526 100+ 20 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Total) 15 Psyche Lim: Overconfident (Common, Strong) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 15 Secret ID 15 DNPC: Lois Lane (Normal, 11-) 341 Look! Up in the air! It's a bonus! --- 526 This is Superman as of Action Comics #1, back when he was a reasonable character. At least kryptonite wasn't invented until after the war so he didn't have to worry about that. When appearing with the All-Star Squadron, he was like this: 75 Str 65 40 40/40 Resistant Pd/Ed 33 Dex 69 9 Life Support: Temperature, Pressure, Disease 30 Con 40 5 Flash Defense 18 Bod 16 20 N-Ray Vision, Can't see through Lead 28 Int 18 3 Ultrasonic Hearing 20 Ego 20 21 7 levels Telescopic Hearing (x128 range) 35 Pre 25 30 10 levels Telescopic Vision (x1024 range) 18 Com 4 72 4d6 RKA, 0 End, No KB "Heat Vision" 40 Pd 25 40 Multipower 40 Ed 34 4 u +20" Running = 26" 8 Spd 37 4 u +40" Superleap = 51" 21 Rec - 64 u 30" Flight, 0 End, x8 non-combat 60 End - 71 Stn - 19 1/2 End Str [4] --- 2 Prof Skill: Journalist 11- 353 9 Criminology, Deduction, Paramedic 15- 30 3 Overall levels --- +372 = 725 =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Tarantula (Jonathon Law) 20 Dex 10 15 Breakfall, Climbing, Combat Driving, Lockpicking, Stealth 14- 23 Dex 39 9 Concealment, Criminology, Deduction, Inventor 13- 18 Con 16 2 Prof Skill: Writer 11- 12 Bod 4 5 Jab +1 +3 Strike = 7d6 20 Int 10 4 Hook -2 +0 Strike +4d6 = 11d6 14 Ego 8 4 Cross +0 +2 Strike +2d6 = 9d6 20 Pre 10 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 16 Com 3 4 Clinch -1 -1 Grab, +10 Str = 45 Str 8 Pd 4 12 3 Damage Classes 8 Ed 4 5 Spd 17 30 Multipower: "Web Gun" 60pts, OAF 8 Rec - 1 25" Swinging 36 End - 3 6d6 Entangle, 16ch 31 Stn - --- 8 20 Str Clinging, IIF "Boots" 125 16 2 Combat Levels --- + 117 = 242 100+ 15 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Strong) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 10 Psyche Lim: Thrillseeker (Common, Moderate) 15 Secret ID 82 Bug Bonus --- 242 Jonathon Law was working on a book about `Mystery Men', so he created a costumed alter-ego so he could interact with them. He soon found the thrills of being a superhero irresistable and became a full-time hero. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Subject: Write-Ups: All Star Squadron (Uncle Sam, Wildcat) Uncle Sam 70 Str 60 17 1/2 End Str [3] 29 Dex 57 25 25pd/25ed resistant 33 Con 46 15 Power Defense 18 Bod 16 5 Flash Def 15 Int 5 15 Lack of Weakness 26 Ego 32 10 15pts Mental Defense 30 Pre 20 10 5" Knockback Resistance 20 Com 5 30 Full Life Support 50 Pd 36 10 +10" Leap = 24" 50 Ed 43 45 Extra Dimensional Movement, Alternate Earths, x8 mass 6 Spd 21 21 Rec - 3 Oratory 15- 66 End - 32 4 Combat levels 70 Stn - --- --- 341+217=558 100+ 10 Public ID 20 Psyche Lim: Must Protect America (Common, Total) 20 Psyche Lim: Defends Innocents (Common, Total) 20 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Total) 388 National Symbol Bonus --- 558 Uncle Sam is a mythical personification who appears whenever the country is in danger. He would probably come back, even if he appeared to be killed, as long as Americans have faith in their country. (This explains why he hasn't been seen lately). =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Wildcat (Ted Grant) 20 Str 10 5 Jab +1 +3 Strike = 9d6 26 Dex 48 4 Hook -2 +0 Strike +4d6 = 13d6 20 Con 20 4 Cross +0 +2 Strike +2d6 = 11d6 13 Bod 6 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 18 Int 8 4 Clinch -1 -1 Grab, +10 Str = 55 Str 17 Ego 14 20 5 Martial Damage Classes 23 Pre 13 9 Breakfall, Climbing, Stealth 14- 14 Com 2 2 +2" Leap = 6" 8 Pd 4 2 +1" Running = 7" 8 Ed 4 2 Area Know: NYC 6 Spd 24 8 Rec - 40 End - 16 2 Combat levels 33 Stn - 10 2 HTH levels --- --- 153+ 76 = 229 100+ 15 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Strong) 15 Psyche Lim: Likes to Fight (Common, Strong) 15 Psyche Lim: Overconfident (Common, Strong) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 15 Secret ID 49 Boxing Bonus --- 229 Ted Grant was trained by Joe Morgan to be a superlative boxer and was inspired by the Green Lantern to become a superhero. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Subject: Write-Ups (Quicksilver, Sunspot) Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) 28 Str 18 127 53" Flight, Only along surfaces (-1/4) 0 End 50 Dex 120 20 10 Turn Mode levels (turn mode =1") 23 Con 26 20 10 levels vs Multiple Move-by Penalties 13 Bod 6 5 +10 pd, Only vs Move-Through/Move-By side effects (-1) 23 Int 13 14 Ego 8 54 10d6 Energy Blast, AOE line, x2 Knock-back, 0 End, 20 Pre 10 Knock Back Only (-1), No Rng, Full Phase 14 Com 2 7 1/2 End Str [1] 10 Pd 4 10 Ed 5 24 3 Combat levels 10 Spd 40 11 Rec - 5 Avenger's Clearance 46 End - 4 Radio Listen/Transmit IIF (Avenger's Comm Card) 39 Stn - --- --- 252 +266 = 518 100+ 15 Hunted: Mutant Haters (As Powerful, NCI, 8-) 5 Hunted: Magneto worshipping Acolytes (As Powerful, 8-, Watch Only) 10 Psyche: Code vs Killing (Common, Moderate) 20 Psyche: Arrogant/Rude (Very Common, Strong) 20 Psyche: Impatient (Very Common, Strong) 5 Love: Crystal 10 Public ID 333 Mutant Bonus --- 518 =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Sunspot (Roberto DeCosta) 15 Str 5 50 20/20 Forcefield 1/2 End [2b] 20 Dex 30 10 EC, 30pts, linked to ff 18 Con 16 10 +30 Stun 12 Bod 4 7 +30 Str, Doesn't Add [3b] 13 Int 3 10 1/4 Resistant Physical & Energy Reduction 11 Ego 2 18 Pre 8 44 EC, 87.5pts 16 Com 3 44 30" Flight, 1/2 End [3b] 8 Pd 5 45 14d6 Energy Blast, 1/2 End [3b] 8 Ed 4 5 Spd 20 10 End Reserve: 100 End 7 Rec - 7 10 Rec for End Battery, Only in direct sunlight (-1/2) 36 End - 10 4d6 Energy Absorb into End Batt, Light attacks only (-1/2) 29 Stn - --- 5 Jab +1 / +3 Strike 11d6 100 4 Punch +0 / +2 Strike +2d6 = 13d6 4 Block +2 / +2 Block, Abort 4 Dodge - / +5 Abort 8 2 Damage Classes 5 7pts Mental Defense 2 +1" Running = 7" 3 Bureacratics 13- 2 Prof Skill: Business Admin 11- 2 Hobby: Soccer 6 Combat Pilot, Breakfall 13- 4 English (Portugese Native) 10 2 HTH levels 8 Combat level --- + 321 = 421 100+ 20 Hunted: Misc Mutant Haters (As Powerful, NCI, 11-) 15 Psyche Lim: Overconfident (Common, Strong) 15 Psyche Lim: Impatient (Common, Strong) 10 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing, Uncommon, Strong) 261 Beto Bonus --- 421 =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Subject: Write-Ups (Iron Man, Cable) Iron Man (Anthony Stark) 18 Str 8 17 +30 Str, Doesn't Add, OIHID [3b] 20 Dex 30 18 +6 Body, +10 Pre OIHID 18 Con 16 96 32/32 Armor, Hardened, OIHID 14 Bod 8 48 1/2 Resistant Physical & Energy Damage Reduction, OIHID 23 Int 13 18 Life Support: Self Contained, Pressure, Temp, Rad, 17 Ego 14 Disease, OIHID 18 Pre 8 4 5pts Lack of Weakness, OIHID 18 Com 4 6 10pt Flash Def, OIHID, lets 1 point through (-1/2) 8 Pd 4 91 Multipower, OIHID 8 Ed 4 9 u 33" Flight, 0 End, x16 non-combat (985mph) "Boot Jets" 5 Spd 20 3 u +10" Running, 0 End on 16" of Running "Skates" 8 Rec - 36 End - 2 Bump of Direction, OIHID "Gyroscopic Guidance System" 32 Stn - --- 102 Multipower: 120pts OIHID, +20pts x5 End OIHID 129 10 u 16d6 Energy Blast, +4d6 [10b] "Repulsors" 9 u 13 1/2d6 Energy Blast, Variable Special Effects, No KB O End +2d6 EB, VSE, No KB, x5 End [10b] "Uni-beam" 4 u 12d6 Entangle, 1 Body Only, 2ch "Freon Pellets" 4 End Battery: 40 End, 1 rec, OIHID 13 6d6 Energy Absorb to End Battery, Only vs Heat/Cold Attacks (-1) OIHID "Thermocouples" 47 4d6 Energy Absorb, Absorbs into Attack Multipower and Str (+2), -5pts/5 minutes (+1/2), +20 Max, Only vs Elec, OIHID 13 +50 Str, OIHID, Doesn't Add, x5 End [25b] 3 IR Vision, OIHID, Not on by default (-1/4) 3 UV Vision, OIHID, Not on by default (-1/4) 2 Ultrasonic Hearing, OIHID, Not on by default (-1/4) 7 x1000 Microscope Vision, OIHID 7 x1000 Telescope Vision, OIHID 20 Radar, 360 degrees, OIHID 8 High Range Radio, OIHID 16 Change Environment: 4" Radius, OIHID "Searchlight" 17 Change Environment: 16" Radius, OIHID, No Rng "Voice Amplifier" 21 Bugging, Computer Programming, Cryptography, Deduction, Inventor, Security Systems, Tactics 14- 9 Bureacratics, High Society, Seduction, 13- 6 Mechanics, Electronics 11- 6 Weaponsmith: Lasers, Plasma, Sonics, Exo-skeletal armor 11- 9 Scientist: Metallurgy, Computers, Robotics, Micromotors, Magnetism, Physics 11- 3 French 10 +2 w/Sciences 40 4 Overall levels 15 Filthy Rich 5 Avenger's Clearance 4 Radio Listen/Transmit IIF (Avenger's Comm Card) --- + 704 = 833 100+ 5 DNPC "Random Stark Employees", Normal, Useful Skills, 8- 15 Distinctive Features, Not Concealable 10 Hunted: The Mandarin, As Powerful, 8- 10 Hunted: Roxxon Corp, Less Powerful, NCI, 8- 15 Phys Lim: If End Battery is Empty, suit locks up, Infreq, Fully 10 Phys Lim: Loses 1 power when takes body (GM's choice), Infreq, Greatly 15 Psyche Lim: Alcoholic, Infreq, Total 15 Secret ID 638 Millionaire Industrialist Playboy Bonus --- 833 Notes: This is the Mark V armor. (Red & Gold, A round disk (the uni-beam) and 2 rivet/nipples on the chest). This is the version he wore from around issue 80 of his comic up to when he lost control of Stark Int. to Stane. This is my personal favorite version, and I don't think there is enough info on the new armor yet. This is Iron Man as he appeared in the Avengers. In his own comic, he's got a suit pool and has several different suits available at any time, but this version is a good representation of his standard abilities. OIHID = Only in Hero ID (-1/4) The flash defense is special darkened lenses, they drop into place automatically when Iron Man is flashed, but they aren't fast enough to keep him from being momentarily blinded - so they always let the first point through. Several of his enhanced systems are not 'On by default', so he won't do an IR scan unless he has some reason to do so. Assume that his normal vision does not work when he is scanning other parts of the spectrum. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Cable (Askanison / Nathan Summers) 23 Str 13 15 +20 Str, Doesn't Add (-1/2) Strike/Grip Only (-1/2) 0 End 26 Dex 48 18 12/12 Armor, 11- 28 Con 36 6 3/3 Armor, OIF 18 Bod 16 4 IR Vision (One Eye: 2x Range Mods -1/4) 23 Int 13 6 1/2 End Str [1] 20 Ego 20 4 5pts Flash Def (One Eye: 2x Range Mods -1/4) 23 Pre 13 25 Mind Link: Any 8 Minds 12 Com 1 13 8d6 Telepathy, x5 End [20] 10 Pd 5 12 40 Str TK, x10 End [60] 10 Ed 4 15 19pts Mental Defense 6 Spd 24 18 Breakfall, Climbing, Combat Driving, Combat Pilot, Lockpicking, 11 Rec - Stealth 14- 56 End - 27 Bugging, Computer Programming, Concealment, Criminology, 44 Stn - Deduction, Inventor, Paramedic, Security Sytems, Tactics 14- --- 15 Demolitions, Electronics, Mechanics, Shadowing, Weaponsmith 11- 206 3 Interrogation 14- 4 English 5 Jab +1 / +3 Strike 10 1/2 d6 5 Kick -2 / +1 Strike +4d6 = 14 1/2 d6 4 Block +2 / +2 Block, Abort 4 Dodge - / +5 Abort 3 Throw +0 / +1 Strike +v/5 4 Disarm -1 / +1 Disarm, +10 Str 8 2 Damage Classes 40 4 Overall Levels 32 4 Combat Levels 141 Weapon Pool: 112.5pt Pool, Only Change at Base/Must be OIF/OAF --- + 431 = 637 Typical Weapon Pool Allocation: Big Gun: 45 3d6 RKA Autofire Armor Piercing 4clips, 30ch ea, OAF, Beam, No KB Shrapnel Grenades: 40 3 1/2d6 RKA Explosion, Armor Piercing, 4ch, OIF, Beam Serrated Combat Knife: 27 2d6 HKA, + 1 Stun, 0 End (3 1/2d6 w/Str), OAF, No KB 100+ 10 Distinctive Features: Glowing Eye, Tiny Head (Is Noticed, Recognizable) 15 Hunted: Stryfe (More Powerful, 8-) 15 Hunted: Apocylypse (More Powerful, 8-) 20 Hunted: Misc Mutant Haters (As Powerful, NCI, 11-) 15 Psyche: Always acts Macho/Rude (Very Common, Moderate) 15 Psyche: Protective towards X-Force (Common, Strong) 5 Love: Domino (???) 5 Ungoing Identity Crisis 437 Really messed up character conception bonus --- 637 =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Subject: Write-Ups: All Star Squadron (Airwave, Amazing Man) Air Wave (Larry Jordan) 18 Str 8 2 Knowledge Skill: Criminal Law 11- 20 Dex 30 6 Criminology, Deduction, Inventor 13- 18 Con 16 9 Interrogation, Oratory, Streetwise 13- 11 Bod 2 2 Area Knowledge: New York City 11- 18 Int 8 3 Electronics 11- 15 Ego 10 4 Science: Physics, Telecommunications 11- 18 Pre 8 12 Com 1 5 Jab +1 / +3 Strike 6 1/2 d6 8 Pd 4 4 Punch +0 / +2 Strike +2d6 = 8 1/2 d6 8 Ed 4 4 Block +2 / +2 Block, Abort 5 Spd 20 4 Dodge - / +5 Abort 8 Rec - 12 3 Damage Classes 36 End - 29 Stn - 27 30 Str Telekinesis, 0 End Only vs Metals (-1) OIF "Radio Belt" --- 29 30" Flight, x8 non-combat, 0 End, Only along phone lines (-2) 111 OIF "Radio Belt" 12 10/10 Forcefield, 0 End Only vs Metal/Electric attacks (-1), OIF "Radio Belt" 7 Telephone Hearing, OIF "Radio Belt" 7 Clinging: 18 Str OIF "Boots (suction cups)" 20 +10" Running, 0 End, OIF "Boots (skates)" 20 2 Overall levels --- + 165 = 276 100+ 15 Secret ID 20 Psyche Lim: Code vs Killing (Common, Total) 20 Psyche Lim: Superpatriot (Common, Total) 133 "Where did all the points go?" Bonus --- 286 New York DA Larry Jordan invented the amazing Radio Belt to help battle the Axis Menace. Telephone hearing is just like high range radio hearing but he can only eavesdrop if he is next to a phone line. He can place a phone call from anywhere! (In the 40s, this was considered a pretty good superpower). At least he is bulletproof, sort of. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM =============================================================================== Amazing Man (Will Everett) 20 Str 10 28 Elemental Control: Magnetism (112.5 active) 23 Dex 39 Only vs Metal/Electrical (-1) 18 Con 16 28 60 Str Telekinesis. 1/2 End [4] 12 Bod 4 28 45/45 Forcefield, 1/2 End [4] 15 Int 5 11 Ego 2 3 Bump of Direction 18 Pre 8 12 Com 1 5 Jab +1 / +3 Strike 7d6 8 Pd 4 4 Punch +0 / +2 Strike +2d6 = 9d6 8 Ed 4 4 Block +2 / +2 Block, Abort 5 Spd 17 12 3 Damage Classes 8 Rec - 36 End - 2 +1" Running 31 Stn - 2 Prof Skill: Olympic Athlete 11- --- 3 Breakfall 14- 110 --- + 119 = 229 100+ 10 Public ID 15 Reputation 14- (As a black man, Will is subject to racism from most of the normals in the 40s) 15 Psyche Lim: Overconfident (Common, Strong) 15 DNPC: Parents (Incompetent, 8-) 74 Token Bonus --- 229 The Kid Quantum of World War II. Actually, I like the character, but his introduction was a pretty blatant quota-filling). These are his post-1942 powers. =============================================================================== Character write-up by Sam Bell. Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, as long as this note is not removed. Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM ===============================================================================