48 Total Castings

Grade I Castings (Base Heka Cost: 20)           Page

Know Chemical Spell                             (161)
Reveal Invisible Writing Cantrip                (161)
Rope Homunculus Formula                         (161)

Grade II Castings (Base Heka Cost: 35)          Page

Acid Jet Cantrip                                (161)
Alter Hair Properties Spell                     (161)
Charnok's Corpse Golem Formula                  (161)
Know Chemical Compound Spell                    (162)
Summon Elementary Ritual                        (162)

Grade III Castings (Base Heka Cost: 50)         Page

Alkaline Shower Cantrip                         (163)
Lightning Rod Charm                             (163)
50 Total Castings

Grade I Castings (Base Heka Cost: 20)           Page

Iron Nails Charm                                (170)
Protection From Blindness Spell                 (170)
Protection From Fire Cantrip                    (171)
Safe Passage Ritual                             (171)

Grade II Castings (Base Heka Cost: 35)          Page

Minor Consecration Formula                      (171)
44 Total Castings

Grade I Castings (Base Heka Cost: 20)           Page

Astromancy Spell                                (177)
Heka Sense Spell                                (177)
Influence of Scorpio Spell                      (178)
Know Disposition Cantrip                        (178)
Minor Horoscope Formula                         (178)
Star Chart Place Formula                        (178)

Grade II Castings (Base Heka Cost: 35)          Page

Best Time Formula                               (178)
Chart Alchemical Operation Spell                (178)
Elementscan Spell                               (178)
Influence of Venus Cantrip                      (178)
Influence of Virgo Ritual                       (179)
Star Chart Item Spell                           (179)

Grade III Castings (Base Heka Cost: 50)         Page

Ascendant Cantrip                               (179)
Chart Heka-Forging Formula                      (179)
Influence of Cancer Formula                     (179)
Influence of Mars Spell                         (179)
Know Truth Charm                                (179)
Major Horoscope Formula                         (179)

Grade IV Castings (Base Heka Cost: 75)          Page

Heka Sight Spell                                (180)
Influence of Aquarius Cantrip                   (180)
Influence of Libra Spell                        (180)
Influence of Mercury Spell                      (180)
Influence of the Moon Cantrip                   (180)
Kayyam's Wisdom Ritual                          (180)

Grade V Castings (Base Heka Cost: 100)          Page

’therscan Cantrip                               (181)
Arago's Influence of the Sun Cantrip            (181)
Influence of Aries Cantrip                      (181)
Influence of Gemini Spell                       (181)
Influence of Sagittarius Cantrip                (181)

Grade VI Castings (Base Heka Cost: 125)         Page

Decan Cantrip                                   (181)
Detect Evil Influence Formula                   (181)
Influence of Jupiter Spell                      (182)
Nostradamus' Circle of the Zodiac Ritual        (182)
Trevyn's Star Portents Ritual                   (182)

Grade VII Castings (Base Heka Cost: 150)        Page

Discover Gate Spell                             (183)
Incantation of Saturn Ritual                    (183)
Influence of Capricorn Formula                  (183)
Influence of Taurus Spell                       (183)

Grade VIII Castings (Base Heka Cost: 200)       Page

Discover Portal Ritual                          (183)
Influence of Leo Ritual                         (183)
Nostradomal's Forewarning Ritual                (183)

Grade IX Castings (Base Heka Cost: 250)         Page

Astralscan Spell                                (184)
Influence of Pisces Formula                     (184)
Shadzur's Foredooming Ritual                    (184)
42 Total Castings

Grade I Castings (Base Heka Cost: 20)           Page

Awe Charm                                       (110)
Influence Formula                               (110)
Lightsee Charm                                  (110)
Phosphor Spell                                  (111)
Prayer Cantrip                                  (111)
Produce Meal Ritual                             (111)
Pronouncement Spell                             (111)
Resist Physical Harm Cantrip                    (111)
Smokecloud Formula                              (111)

Grade II Castings (Base Heka Cost: 35)          Page

Draw Heka Formula                               (111)
Healing, Minor Formula                          (112)
Heal Mental Damage Ritual                       (112)
Rightcourse Cantrip                             (112)
Smiting Charm                                   (112)

Grade III Castings (Base Heka Cost: 50)         Page

Bounds of Action Spell                          (112)
Enlightenment Formula                           (112)
Heka Defenses Cantrip                           (112)
Resist Paralysis Spell                          (112)
33 Total Castings

Grade I Castings (Base Heka Cost: 20)           Page

Augury Formula                                  (198)
Chartomancy Cantrip                             (198)
Detect Glyph Spell                              (199)
Geomancy Formula                                (199)
Sounding Spell                                  (199)

Grade II Castings (Base Heka Cost: 35)          Page

Detect Heka Trap Spell                          (199)
Dowsing Spell                                   (199)
Hydromancy Formula                              (199)
Locate Direction Spell                          (199)
Object Reading Cantrip                          (200)
Path of Wisdom Spell                            (200)
107 Total Castings

Grade I Castings (Base Heka Cost: 20)           Page

Armor, Physical Cantrip                         (34)
Avoid Deadly Attack Formula                     (34)
Bounce Charm                                    (34)
Detect Heka Spell                               (34)
Disjunction Charm                               (34)
Lock Charm                                      (34)
Magick Lock Spell                               (35)
Quicken Cantrip                                 (35)
Reflections Ritual                              (35)
Trudge Cantrip                                  (36)
Wickaflame Charm                                (36)

Grade II Castings (Base Heka Cost: 35)          Page

Armor, Mental Cantrip                           (36)
Buttress Charm                                  (36)
Directed Force Cantrip                          (37)
Easyspeak Charm                                 (37)
Forcedark Charm                                 (37)
Halefellow Charm                                (37)
Heka Trap Spell                                 (37)
Hold Effects Spell                              (37)
Levitate Cantrip                                (37)
Minimus Spell                                   (38)
Prolongation Charm                              (38)
Ritual of the Heart Ritual                      (38)
Slow Gravity Charm                              (38)

Grade III Castings (Base Heka Cost: 50)         Page

Avoid Heka Attack Ritual                        (39)
Dispel Invisibility Cantrip                     (39)
Flight Cantrip                                  (39)
Heka Darts Charm                                (39)
Implant Spell                                   (39)
Magick Trail Formula                            (39)
Multilingual Spell                              (40)
Ritual of the Archer Ritual                     (40)
Untie Charm                                     (40)

Grade IV Castings (Base Heka Cost: 75)          Page

Attractive Force Cantrip                        (40)
Bedlam Cantrip                                  (40)
Detect Heka Sources Cantrip                     (41)
Literate Formula                                (41)
Negative Gravity Charm                          (**)
Thought Message Charm                           (41)
Wound, Mental Charm                             (41)

Grade V Castings (Base Heka Cost: 100)          Page

Armor, Full Personal Heka Cantrip               (41)
Cloud of Magick Spell                           (41)
Heka Bolt Charm                                 (42)
Invisible Alert Formula                         (42)
Pythagoras' Non-Dimension Formula               (42)
Wound, Spiritual Charm                          (**)

Grade VI Castings (Base Heka Cost: 125)         Page

’theral Travel Formula                          (43)
Arcane Lore Formula                             (43)
Double Barrier Spell                            (44)
Pythagoras' Extra-Dimensional Door Spell        (44)
Heka Shield Spell                               (44)
Phase Shifting Spell                            (44)
Quickcast of Inhetep Charm                      (45)
Sphere of Secrecy Formula                       (45)

Grade VII Castings (Base Heka Cost: 150)        Page

Doublecast Charm                                (45)
Escape Hatch Charm                              (45)
Forcewall Cantrip                               (45)
Juxtaposition Charm                             (45)
Returning Charm                                 (46)
Scrambletongue Charm                            (46)
Spirit Alert Spell                              (46)
Teleport Cantrip                                (46)

Grade VIII Castings (Base Heka Cost: 200)       Page

Aura of Spell Failure Spell                     (47)
Mask Heka Flow Formula                          (47)
Merlin's Tower Ritual                           (47)
Needed Things Formula                           (47)
Object Transformation Formula                   (48)
Pitfall Charm                                   (48)
Point of Joss Charm                             (48)
Triple Heka Barrier Cantrip                     (48)
72 Total Castings

Grade I Castings (Base Heka Cost: 20)           Page

Airbubbles Charm                                (59)
Diffusion/Cohesion Spell                        (59)
Icearrows Charm                                 (60)
Slingstones Cantrip                             (60)
Thermology Spell                                (60)

Grade II Castings (Base Heka Cost: 35)          Page

Alter Gravity Spell                             (61)
Aurora Cantrip                                  (61)
Cold Ray Cantrip                                (61)
Elemental Armor Cantrip                         (61)
Magnetic Field Spell                            (62)
’rth Lore Spell                                 (62)

Grade III Castings (Base Heka Cost: 50)         Page

Absorb Element Ritual                           (62)
Elemental Augury Formula                        (62)
Fireflash Cantrip                               (63)
Icewall Cantrip                                 (63)
Quagmire Cantrip                                (63)
Summon Elementary Cantrip                       (63)
Stonebarrier Spell                              (64)
Vaporization Spell                              (64)
Windblast Charm                                 (64)
Zephyrgo Cantrip                                (64)

Grade IV Castings (Base Heka Cost: 75)          Page

Dissipate Spell                                 (64)
Electrify Cantrip                               (64)
Elemental Hands Charm                           (65)
Firebarrier Cantrip                             (65)
Moletunnel Formula                              (65)
Pyrokinesis Cantrip                             (65)
Shatter Cantrip                                 (65)
Summon Elemental Aid Cantrip                    (65)

Grade V Castings (Base Heka Cost: 100)          Page

Elemental Missile Charm                         (66)
Elemental Pathway Spell                         (66)
Energy Transfer Spell                           (66)
Lavahome Cantrip                                (67)
Shockbolt Cantrip                               (68)
Solidification Spell                            (68)
Thales' Elemental Cloak Formula                 (68)
Vortex Spell                                    (68)

Grade VI Castings (Base Heka Cost: 125)         Page

Abram's Elemental Manipulation Formula          (68)
Cagliostro's Sheet Lightning Cantrip            (68)
Lightningbugs Cantrip                           (69)
Pass Trhough Stone Spell                        (69)

Grade VII Castings (Base Heka Cost: 150)        Page

Repel Elemental Force Cantrip                   (69)
Stoning Spell                                   (70)
Triton Formula                                  (70)

Grade VIII Castings (Base Heka Cost: 200)       Page

dePayne's Disintegration Spell                  (70)
Fallingstar Spell                               (70)
Lightningwalk Cantrip                           (70)
Resist Disintegration Cantrip                   (70)
Work Base Element Ritual                        (71)
9 Total Castings

Grade I Castings (Base Heka Cost: 20)           Page

Rites Ritual                                    (107)

Grade II Castings (Base Heka Cost: 35)          Page

Blessing, Minor Spell                           (107)

Grade III Castings (Base Heka Cost: 50)         Page

Consecration Formula                            (107)

Grade IV Castings (Base Heka Cost: 75)          Page

Blessing, Major Ritual                          (108)
33 Total Castings

Grade I Castings (Base Heka Cost: 20)           Page

Defense Bonus I Formula                         (216)
Evaluate Item Formula                           (216)
Volition Ritual                                 (217)

Grade II Castings (Base Heka Cost: 35)          Page

Charm Forging Ritual                            (217)
Damage Bonus I Formula                          (217)
Resiliency Ritual                               (217)