
Duramesh is a wiz new technology by CynTek (no, it's just a name I made up for a run for two of my friends) to eliminate the incompatability of Dermal Plating and Orthoskin. It works like Dermal Plating in the fact that it rests above the dermal layer, and also gives the bonuses of such. However, the Orthoskin properties are also ingrained. The orthoskin "half" is now cybertech (although it uses exactly the same principle of distributing force of an impact), and since it is now such, it no longer needs to be (nor can it, really) under the skin. However, simply to stay SOMEwhat within the normal "fair" boundries, Duramesh is neither compatible nor cumulative with either of it's components.

Duramesh is simply a combination of the two technologies (with the exception that the orthoskin is no longer biotech), and must still follow all normal bonuses and restrictions as both its components. There may be a FEW things that should be disregarded... I don't know what they are, because I need to have a look at the ShadowTech book (which one of the 2 aforementioned friends owns, but cannot find, as usual.... :P ) and see what it says on Orthoskin. So, for NOW, GM's, it's your discretion. But soon, I'll set it up for those GM's out there who don't like making up what they don't have to (such as myself... ;> ).

But, of course, like any tech, it comes with its disadvantages.... Unfortunatly, Duramesh will either provide both the Dermal Plating bonus and the Orthoskin bonuses, or neither. In other words, watch it; don't think you shouldn't have ANY armor at all... If you're without armor and some wiz techboy, or maybe just some nice ole' EMR, gets past it - somehow - a tactical retreat is DEFINITELY in order.

LVL  ARMOR                     BODY  ESSENCE    COST**
1 +1 Impact +1 0.5* 88,350¥ 2 +2 Impact, +1 Ballistic +2 1.5* 213,750¥ 3 +3 Impact, +2 Ballistic +3 2.5* 413,250¥

* = This has now changed.... The essence costs are no longer differing from normal and upgradable types. Now, all Duramesh nets are upgradable. As before, however, the Essence costs are still not cumulative.
** = While I did include this, this is only once you choose to put this on the market. I suggest you don't simply PUT it there, but rather do a run in which a corp releases it, such as I am preparing for at the moment.....

>>>>>[Dude!!! This new tech is completely WIZ!!! Saved my carcass tons o' times....]<<<<<

Razor Ranger (21:06:10/08-29-53)

>>>>>[Really? Gee, I'd just looove to hear about why you'd need something just THIS wiz... I'm sure it's REAL fun getting it past the authorities....]<<<<<

Chrome Boy (14:43:44/08-30-53)

>>>>>[Uh.. I think I'll just leave that one alone... I may be a little crazy, but I don't like letting up about these things.... Corp heat is drek......]<<<<<

Razor Ranger (10:16:29/09-01-53)

(c)1996 Robert Randall Productions. All rights reserved.
This page by jmrandal@facstaff.wisc.edu

Taken from the pages of Jens-Arthur Leirbakk