The missing link.

Recently, the Talent crew has gone through a lot of changes. The old members who started Talent early in 1992 has retired and new members has taken over. During this period, a lot of Talent material has been erased from harddisks and floppies has been thrown away.

This is why we ask you this question:
Do you have any Talent productions (not listed in the productions list) on YOUR harddisk? Help us! Send the production to us.

Here is what you should do:

  1. Make an LHA/ZIP archive of all Talent production files you have. Please make sure it is virus free.
  2. Fill in the form below. In the filename box, click "Browse" to locate the archive you just made.
  3. Click SEND.
We will look at the files and put them on our pages. You will be given credit.


Your name:

E-mail address:

Archive file 1: