There was quite a lot of 'Ulysses 31' material available also in the printed form. Most were directly based on episodes of the animated series, but the pictures were often new.

The Novels:

These novels were published in French by Hachette and DIC in 1982, and are written by Evelyne Lallemand. The cover art was made by Nadine Forster, and Jean Chalopin and Nina Wolmark are also mentioned on the covers. The book above is an adaption of the episode 'The Black Sphere', and the two underneath are adaptions of 'Mutiny on Board' and 'Secret of the Sphinx'. 'La Révolte des Compagnones' is actually based on both 'Mutiny on Board' and 'Flowers of Fear'.

At least five books were released in this series. The other two were called 'La Planète Perdue' ('The Lost Planet') and 'Les Lestrigons' ('Temple of the Lestrigones'), and were based on the episodes with the same names. Each book was between 140 and 150 pages and had illustrations from time to time. Thanks a lot to Alain for the great pictures.

The Comics:

Comic book versions of some of the animated episodes were also released. Alex Trakker has a great picture of the adaption of 'Mutiny on Board' at his 'Uysses 31' site.

The Picture Book:

This picture book was released in the UK in the mid eighties. The book contains three or four stories from the animated series and is illustrated with stills taken from each episode. It was published by Ward Lock and it's ISBN number is ISBN 0-7063-6387-6. Thanks to Greg for the picture.

If you have any information or comments about any of the collectibles, please e-mail me.

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