
A good programmer can write FORTRAN in any language. ~ Unknown

          WRITE (714,*) "This is a while loop"
      IF (I .LT. 10) THEN GOTO 10
  1. Note

    I write the code posted here the way I want to, so don't complain if my programs eat your homework. All programs are provided under the Simplified BSD license, which means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it.

    My profile on coding-related sites: GitHub   StackExchange Code Golf

  1. Programs

    Mutify is a script which mutes commercials in Spotify
    Whim converts .doc and .docx files to LaTeX
    bloom.gnu is a Gnuplot script which emulates the look of a Bloomberg-terminal
    genetic.f90 is a Fortran program which uses a genetic algorithm to find the maximum of a function

Quite frankly, even if the choice of C were to do *nothing* but keep the C++ programmers out, that in itself would be a huge reason to use C. ~ Linus Torvalds

  1. Mutify

    This is a script which mutes the sound of a Linux computer when Spotify plays a commercial. It requires that you use Alsa or Pulseaudio, Spotify through Wine, and that the sound server in Wine is not Alsa or Pulseaudio. It is found [here].

  1. Whim

    This is a script which takes a .doc or .docx file and converts it to LaTeX. Sadly, there is no support for mathematical formulae, but the script does extract images from the Word file and inserts them into the LaTeX file. The script is found [here], you also need [cat_open_xml] which is written by Kristinn Gudjonsson.

  1. bloom.gnu

    This is a Gnuplot script which emulates the look of a [Bloomberg-terminal]. It requires a fairly recent version of Gnuplot. It is found [here], you also need the file [fader.png].

  1. genetic.f90

    This is a Fortran program which uses a simple genetic algorithm to find the maximum of a function on the interval [-5π,5π]. It also has an interesting Heisenbug. You can find it [here].

The good reverend Laphroaig preaches:
If the 0day in your familiar pastures dwindles, despair not! Rather, bestir yourself to where programmers are led astray from the sacred Assembly, neither understanding what their programming languages compile to, nor asking to see how their data is stored or transmitted in the true bits of the wire. For those who follow their computation through the layers shall gain 0day and pwn, and those who say “we trust in our APIs, in our proofs, and in our memory models and need not burden ourselves with confusing engineering detail that has no scientific value anyhow” shall surely provide an abundance of 0day and pwnage sufficient for all of us.

Creative Commons License
This page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Norway License .