Shraaaag's FUMBBL Scripts


Roster ID Name
41 Amazon
42 Chaos Chosen
43 Chaos Dwarf
64 Chaos Renegade
44 Dark Elf
45 Dwarf
46 Elven Union
47 Goblin
48 Halfling
49 High Elf
50 Human
52 Lizardmen
53 Necromantic Horror
54 Norse
55 Nurgle
56 Ogre
4789 Old World Alliance
57 Orc
59 Shambling Undead
58 Skaven
65 Slann
67 Star Players
51 Tomb Kings
66 Underworld Denizens
60 Vampire
61 Wood Elf
Roster ID Roster Position Title Quantity Cost MV ST PA AG AV Skills Upgrades
41 Amazon 2809 Tribal Linewoman 16 50000 6 3 0 3 7 Dodge G (ASP)
41 Amazon 2810 Eagle Warrior Thrower 2 70000 6 3 0 3 7 Dodge, Pass GP (AS)
41 Amazon 2811 Piranha Warrior Catcher 2 70000 6 3 0 3 7 Dodge, Catch GA (SP)
41 Amazon 2812 Koka Kalim Blitzer 4 90000 6 3 0 3 7 Block, Dodge GS (AP)
42 Chaos Chosen 2816 Beastman Runner 16 60000 6 3 0 3 8 Horns GSM (AP)
42 Chaos Chosen 2817 Chosen Blocker 4 100000 5 4 0 3 9 GSM (AP)
42 Chaos Chosen 2818 Minotaur 1 150000 5 5 0 2 8 Loner, Frenzy, Horns, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Wild Animal SM (GAP)
43 Chaos Dwarf 2857 Hobgoblin 16 40000 6 3 0 3 7 G (ASP)
43 Chaos Dwarf 2858 Chaos Dwarf Blocker 6 70000 4 3 0 2 9 Block, Tackle, Thick Skull GS (MAP)
43 Chaos Dwarf 2859 Bull Centaur Blitzer 2 130000 6 4 0 2 9 Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull GS (AP)
43 Chaos Dwarf 2985 Enslaved Minotaur 1 150000 5 5 0 2 8 Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal S (MGAP)
64 Chaos Renegade 2959 Renegade Human Lineman 12 50000 6 3 0 3 8 SGPM (A)
64 Chaos Renegade 2987 Renegade Goblin 1 40000 6 2 0 3 7 Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Animosity AM (GSP)
64 Chaos Renegade 2988 Renegade Skaven Lineman 1 50000 7 3 0 3 7 Animosity GM (ASP)
64 Chaos Renegade 2989 Renegade Dark Elf Lineman 1 70000 6 3 0 4 8 Animosity GAM (SP)
64 Chaos Renegade 2990 Troll 1 110000 4 5 0 1 9 Mighty Blow, Always Hungry, Loner, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate S (GAPM)
64 Chaos Renegade 2991 Ogre 1 140000 5 5 0 2 9 Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bone-head, Loner, Throw Team-Mate S (GAPM)
64 Chaos Renegade 2992 Minotaur 1 150000 5 5 0 2 8 Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal S (GAPM)
64 Chaos Renegade 18498 Renegade Orc Lineman 1 50000 5 3 0 3 9 Animosity GM (ASP)
44 Dark Elf 2860 Lineman 16 70000 6 3 0 4 8 GA (SP)
44 Dark Elf 2861 Runner 2 80000 7 3 0 4 7 Dump-Off GAP (S)
44 Dark Elf 2862 Assassin 2 90000 6 3 0 4 7 Shadowing, Stab GA (SP)
44 Dark Elf 2863 Blitzer 4 100000 7 3 0 4 8 Block AG (SP)
44 Dark Elf 2864 Witch Elf 2 110000 7 3 0 4 7 Frenzy, Dodge, Jump Up AG (SP)
45 Dwarf 2865 Blocker 16 70000 4 3 0 2 9 Block, Tackle, Thick Skull GS (AP)
45 Dwarf 2866 Runner 2 80000 6 3 0 3 8 Sure Hands, Thick Skull GP (AS)
45 Dwarf 2867 Blitzer 2 80000 5 3 0 3 9 Block, Thick Skull GS (AP)
45 Dwarf 2868 Troll Slayer 2 90000 5 3 0 2 8 Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull GS (AP)
45 Dwarf 2870 Deathroller 1 160000 4 7 0 1 10 Dirty Player, Break Tackle, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Loner, No Hands, Secret Weapon S (GAP)
46 Elven Union 2871 Lineman 16 60000 6 3 0 4 7 GA (SP)
46 Elven Union 2872 Thrower 2 70000 6 3 0 4 7 Pass GAP (S)
46 Elven Union 2873 Catcher 4 100000 8 3 0 4 7 Catch, Nerves Of Steel GA (SP)
46 Elven Union 2874 Blitzer 2 110000 7 3 0 4 8 Block, Side Step GA (SP)
47 Goblin 2875 Goblin 16 40000 6 2 0 3 7 Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty A (GSP)
47 Goblin 2876 Bomma 1 40000 6 2 0 3 7 Bombardier, Dodge, Secret Weapon, Stunty A (GSP)
47 Goblin 2877 Pogoer 1 70000 7 2 0 3 7 Dodge, Stunty, Very Long Legs, Leap A (GSP)
47 Goblin 2878 Looney 1 40000 6 2 0 3 7 Chainsaw, Secret Weapon, Stunty A (GSP)
47 Goblin 2879 Fanatic 1 70000 3 7 0 3 7 Ball & Chain, No Hands, Secret Weapon, Stunty S (GAP)
47 Goblin 2880 Troll 2 110000 4 5 0 1 9 Loner, Always Hungry, Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate S (GAP)
47 Goblin 18499 'Ooligan 1 70000 6 2 0 3 7 Disturbing Presence, Dodge, Fan Favourite, Right Stuff, Stunty A (GSP)
47 Goblin 19360 Doom Diver 1 60000 6 2 0 3 7 Right Stuff, Stunty, Swoop A (GSP)
48 Halfling 2881 Halfling Hopeful 16 30000 5 2 0 3 6 Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty A (GSP)
48 Halfling 2882 Treeman 2 120000 2 6 0 1 10 Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Timmm-ber! S (GAP)
48 Halfling 21131 Halfling Catcher 2 50000 5 2 0 3 6 Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Right Stuff, Stunty A (GSP)
48 Halfling 21132 Halfling Hefty 2 50000 5 2 0 3 7 Fend, Dodge, Stunty AP (GS)
49 High Elf 2883 Lineman 16 70000 6 3 0 4 8 AG (SP)
49 High Elf 2884 Thrower 2 90000 6 3 0 4 8 Pass, Safe Throw GAP (S)
49 High Elf 2885 Catcher 4 90000 8 3 0 4 7 Catch GA (SP)
49 High Elf 2886 Blitzer 2 100000 7 3 0 4 8 Block GA (SP)
50 Human 2887 Lineman 16 50000 6 3 0 3 8 G (ASP)
50 Human 2888 Catcher 4 60000 8 2 0 3 7 Catch, Dodge GA (SP)
50 Human 2889 Thrower 2 70000 6 3 0 3 8 Sure Hands, Pass GP (AS)
50 Human 2890 Blitzer 4 90000 7 3 0 3 8 Block GS (AP)
50 Human 2891 Ogre 1 140000 5 5 0 2 9 Loner, Bone-head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate S (GAP)
52 Lizardmen 2896 Skink Runner 16 60000 8 2 0 3 7 Dodge, Stunty A (GSP)
52 Lizardmen 2897 Saurus Blocker 6 80000 6 4 0 1 9 GS (AP)
52 Lizardmen 2898 Kroxigor 1 140000 6 5 0 1 9 Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Prehensile Tail, Bone-head, Loner S (GAP)
52 Lizardmen 23006 Chameleon Skink 2 70000 7 2 0 3 7 Pass Block, Shadowing, Dodge, Stunty A (GSP)
53 Necromantic Horror 2899 Zombie 16 40000 4 3 0 2 8 Regeneration G (ASP)
53 Necromantic Horror 2900 Ghoul Runner 2 70000 7 3 0 3 7 Dodge AG (SP)
53 Necromantic Horror 2901 Wight Blitzer 2 90000 6 3 0 3 8 Block, Regeneration GS (AP)
53 Necromantic Horror 2902 Flesh Golem 2 110000 4 4 0 2 9 Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration GS (AP)
53 Necromantic Horror 2903 Werewolf 2 120000 8 3 0 3 8 Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration AG (SP)
54 Norse 2904 Lineman 16 50000 6 3 0 3 7 Block G (APS)
54 Norse 2905 Thrower 2 70000 6 3 0 3 7 Block, Pass GP (AS)
54 Norse 2906 Catcher 2 90000 7 3 0 3 7 Block, Dauntless GA (SP)
54 Norse 2907 Berserker 2 90000 6 3 0 3 7 Block, Frenzy, Jump Up GS (AP)
54 Norse 2908 Ulfwerenar 2 110000 6 4 0 2 8 Frenzy GS (AP)
54 Norse 2909 Snow Troll 1 140000 5 5 0 1 8 Frenzy, Claw, Disturbing Presence, Loner, Wild Animal S (AGP)
55 Nurgle 2910 Rotter 16 40000 5 3 0 3 8 Decay, Nurgle's Rot GM (ASP)
55 Nurgle 2911 Pestigor 4 80000 6 3 0 3 8 Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration GSM (AP)
55 Nurgle 2912 Bloater 4 110000 4 4 0 2 9 Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration GSM (AP)
55 Nurgle 2913 Rotspawn 1 140000 4 5 0 1 9 Mighty Blow, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Tentacles, Loner, Nurgle's Rot, Really Stupid, Regeneration S (GAPM)
56 Ogre 2914 Gnoblar 16 20000 5 1 0 3 5 Dodge, Right Stuff, Side Step, Stunty, Titchy, Disposable A (GSP)
56 Ogre 2915 Ogre 5 140000 5 5 0 2 9 Bone-head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate S (AGP)
56 Ogre 24992 Runt Punter 1 150000 5 5 0 2 9 Bone-head, Kick Team-Mate, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull SP (GA)
4789 Old World Alliance 35151 Human Lineman 12 50000 6 3 0 3 8 Animosity G (ASP)
4789 Old World Alliance 35152 Human Thrower 1 70000 6 3 0 3 8 Sure Hands, Pass, Animosity GP (AS)
4789 Old World Alliance 35153 Human Catcher 1 60000 8 2 0 3 7 Catch, Dodge, Animosity GA (SP)
4789 Old World Alliance 35154 Human Blitzer 1 90000 7 3 0 3 8 Block, Animosity GS (AP)
4789 Old World Alliance 35157 Dwarf Blocker 2 70000 4 3 0 2 9 Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Loner GS (AP)
4789 Old World Alliance 35158 Dwarf Runner 1 80000 6 3 0 3 8 Sure Hands, Thick Skull, Loner GP (AS)
4789 Old World Alliance 35159 Dwarf Blitzer 1 80000 5 3 0 3 9 Block, Thick Skull, Loner GS (AP)
4789 Old World Alliance 35160 Dwarf Troll Slayer 1 90000 5 3 0 2 8 Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull, Loner GS (AP)
4789 Old World Alliance 35161 Halfling Hopeful 2 30000 5 2 0 3 6 Dodge, Loner, Right Stuff, Stunty A (GSP)
4789 Old World Alliance 35162 Ogre 1 140000 5 5 0 2 9 Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bone-head, Loner, Throw Team-Mate S (GAP)
57 Orc 2916 Lineman 16 50000 5 3 0 3 9 G (ASP)
57 Orc 2917 Goblin 4 40000 6 2 0 3 7 Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty A (GSP)
57 Orc 2918 Thrower 2 70000 5 3 0 3 8 Sure Hands, Pass GP (AS)
57 Orc 2919 Black Orc Blocker 4 80000 4 4 0 2 9 GS (AP)
57 Orc 2920 Blitzer 4 80000 6 3 0 3 9 Block GS (AP)
57 Orc 2921 Troll 1 110000 4 5 0 1 9 Loner, Always Hungry, Mighty Blow, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate S (GAP)
59 Shambling Undead 2927 Skeleton 16 40000 5 3 0 2 7 Thick Skull, Regeneration G (ASP)
59 Shambling Undead 2928 Zombie 16 40000 4 3 0 2 8 Regeneration G (ASP)
59 Shambling Undead 2929 Ghoul Runner 4 70000 7 3 0 3 7 Dodge AG (SP)
59 Shambling Undead 2930 Wight Blitzer 2 90000 6 3 0 3 8 Block, Regeneration GS (AP)
59 Shambling Undead 2931 Mummy 2 120000 3 5 0 1 9 Mighty Blow, Regeneration S (GAP)
58 Skaven 2922 Lineman 16 50000 7 3 0 3 7 G (ASPM)
58 Skaven 2923 Thrower 2 70000 7 3 0 3 7 Sure Hands, Pass GP (ASM)
58 Skaven 2924 Gutter Runner 4 80000 9 2 0 4 7 Dodge, Weeping Dagger GA (SPM)
58 Skaven 2925 Blitzer 2 90000 7 3 0 3 8 Block GS (APM)
58 Skaven 2926 Rat Ogre 1 150000 6 5 0 2 8 Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Loner, Wild Animal S (GAPM)
65 Slann 2993 Lineman 16 60000 6 3 0 3 8 Leap, Very Long Legs G (ASP)
65 Slann 2994 Catcher 4 80000 7 2 0 4 7 Diving Catch, Leap, Very Long Legs GA (SP)
65 Slann 2995 Blitzer 4 110000 7 3 0 3 8 Diving Tackle, Jump Up, Leap, Very Long Legs GAS (P)
65 Slann 2996 Kroxigor 1 140000 6 5 0 1 9 Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Prehensile Tail, Bone-head, Loner S (GAP)
67 Star Players 3003 Barik Farblast 1 60000 6 3 0 3 8 Sure Hands, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Hail Mary Pass, Pass, Loner, Secret Weapon ()
67 Star Players 3004 Bertha Bigfist 1 290000 6 5 0 2 9 Dodge, Break Tackle, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bone-head, Loner, Throw Team-Mate ()
67 Star Players 3005 Brick Far'th 1 290000 5 5 0 2 9 Mighty Blow, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Nerves Of Steel, Bone-head, Loner, Throw Team-Mate ()
67 Star Players 3006 Grotty 1 0 6 2 0 4 7 Dodge, Loner, Right Stuff, Stunty ()
67 Star Players 3007 Bomber Dribblesnot 1 60000 6 2 0 3 7 Dodge, Accurate, Bombardier, Loner, Right Stuff, Secret Weapon, Stunty ()
67 Star Players 3008 Boomer 1 60000 4 3 0 2 9 Block, Thick Skull, Accurate, Bombardier, Loner, Secret Weapon ()
67 Star Players 3009 Count Luthor Von Drakenborg 1 390000 6 5 0 4 9 Block, Side Step, Hypnotic Gaze, Loner, Regeneration ()
67 Star Players 3010 Crazy Igor 1 120000 6 3 0 3 8 Dauntless, Thick Skull, Loner, Regeneration ()
67 Star Players 3011 Deeproot Strongbranch 1 300000 2 7 0 1 10 Block, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Throw Team-Mate, Timmm-ber! ()
67 Star Players 3012 Dolfar Longstride 1 150000 7 3 0 4 7 Kick, Kick-Off Return, Pass Block, Diving Catch, Hail Mary Pass, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3013 Eldril Sidewinder 1 200000 8 3 0 4 7 Pass Block, Catch, Dodge, Nerves Of Steel, Hypnotic Gaze, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3014 Fezglitch 1 100000 4 7 0 3 7 Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Ball & Chain, Loner, No Hands, Secret Weapon ()
67 Star Players 3015 Flint Churnblade 1 130000 5 3 0 2 8 Block, Thick Skull, Chainsaw, Loner, Secret Weapon ()
67 Star Players 3016 Fungus the Loon 1 80000 4 7 0 3 7 Mighty Blow, Ball & Chain, Loner, No Hands, Secret Weapon, Stunty ()
67 Star Players 3017 Glart Smashrip Jr. 1 210000 7 4 0 3 8 Block, Juggernaut, Claw, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3018 Grashnak Blackhoof 1 310000 6 6 0 2 8 Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3019 Griff Oberwald 1 320000 7 4 0 4 8 Block, Fend, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3020 Grim Ironjaw 1 220000 5 4 0 3 8 Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Multiple Block, Thick Skull, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3021 Hack Enslash 1 120000 6 3 0 2 7 Chainsaw, Side Step, Loner, Regeneration, Secret Weapon ()
67 Star Players 3022 Hakflem Skuttlespike 1 200000 9 3 0 4 7 Dodge, Extra Arms, Prehensile Tail, Two Heads, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3023 Headsplitter 1 340000 6 6 0 3 8 Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3024 Helmut Wulf 1 110000 6 3 0 3 8 Stand Firm, Chainsaw, Loner, Secret Weapon ()
67 Star Players 3025 Hemlock 1 170000 8 2 0 3 7 Block, Dodge, Jump Up, Side Step, Loner, Stab, Stunty ()
67 Star Players 3026 Horkon Heartripper 1 210000 7 3 0 4 7 Shadowing, Dodge, Leap, Multiple Block, Loner, Stab ()
67 Star Players 3027 Hthark the Unstoppable 1 330000 6 5 0 2 9 Block, Sprint, Sure Feet, Break Tackle, Juggernaut, Thick Skull, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3028 Hubris Rakarth 1 260000 7 4 0 4 8 Block, Dirty Player, Strip Ball, Jump Up, Mighty Blow, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3029 Humerus Carpal 1 130000 7 2 0 3 7 Catch, Dodge, Nerves Of Steel, Loner, Regeneration ()
67 Star Players 3030 Icepelt Hammerblow 1 330000 5 6 0 1 8 Frenzy, Thick Skull, Claw, Disturbing Presence, Loner, Regeneration ()
67 Star Players 3031 Ithaca Benoin 1 220000 7 3 0 3 7 Sure Hands, Accurate, Dump-Off, Nerves Of Steel, Pass, Loner, Regeneration ()
67 Star Players 3032 J Earlice 1 180000 8 3 0 3 7 Catch, Diving Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3033 Jordell Freshbreeze 1 260000 8 3 0 5 7 Block, Diving Catch, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3034 Lewdgrip Whiparm 1 160000 6 3 0 3 9 Sure Hands, Dodge, Strong Arm, Pass, Tentacles, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3035 Lord Borak the Despoiler 1 300000 5 5 0 3 9 Block, Dirty Player, Mighty Blow, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3036 Lottabottol 1 220000 8 3 0 3 8 Pass Block, Shadowing, Catch, Diving Tackle, Jump Up, Leap, Very Long Legs, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3037 Max Spleenripper 1 130000 5 4 0 3 8 Chainsaw, Loner, Secret Weapon ()
67 Star Players 3038 Mighty Zug 1 260000 4 5 0 2 9 Block, Mighty Blow, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3039 Morg 'n' Thorg 1 430000 6 6 0 3 10 Block, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Loner, Throw Team-Mate ()
67 Star Players 3040 Nobbla Blackwart 1 130000 6 2 0 3 7 Block, Dodge, Chainsaw, Loner, Secret Weapon, Stunty ()
67 Star Players 3041 Prince Moranion 1 230000 7 4 0 4 8 Block, Dauntless, Tackle, Wrestle, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3042 Puggy Baconbreath 1 140000 5 3 0 3 6 Block, Dodge, Nerves Of Steel, Loner, Right Stuff, Stunty ()
67 Star Players 3044 Quetzal Leap 1 250000 8 2 0 4 7 Fend, Kick-Off Return, Catch, Diving Catch, Leap, Nerves Of Steel, Very Long Legs, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3045 Ramtut III 1 360000 5 6 0 1 9 Wrestle, Break Tackle, Mighty Blow, Loner, Regeneration ()
67 Star Players 3046 Rashnak Backstabber 1 200000 7 3 0 3 7 Dodge, Side Step, Sneaky Git, Loner, Stab ()
67 Star Players 3047 Ripper Bolgrot 1 270000 4 6 0 1 9 Grab, Mighty Blow, Loner, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate ()
67 Star Players 3048 Roxanna Darknail 1 250000 8 3 0 5 7 Frenzy, Dodge, Jump Up, Leap, Juggernaut, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3049 Scrappa Sorehead 1 150000 7 2 0 3 7 Dirty Player, Dodge, Leap, Sprint, Sure Feet, Very Long Legs, Loner, Right Stuff, Stunty ()
67 Star Players 3050 Setekh 1 220000 6 4 0 2 8 Block, Strip Ball, Break Tackle, Juggernaut, Loner, Regeneration ()
67 Star Players 3051 Slibli 1 250000 7 4 0 1 9 Block, Grab, Guard, Stand Firm, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3052 Sinnedbad 1 80000 6 3 0 2 7 Block, Pass Block, Jump Up, Side Step, Loner, Regeneration, Secret Weapon, Stab ()
67 Star Players 3053 Skitter Stab-Stab 1 160000 9 2 0 4 7 Shadowing, Dodge, Prehensile Tail, Loner, Stab ()
67 Star Players 3054 Soaren Hightower 1 180000 6 3 0 4 8 Fend, Kick-Off Return, Sure Hands, Strong Arm, Pass, Safe Throw, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3055 Ugroth Bolgrot 1 100000 5 3 0 3 9 Chainsaw, Loner, Secret Weapon ()
67 Star Players 3056 Varag Ghoulchewer 1 290000 6 4 0 3 9 Block, Jump Up, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3057 Wilhelm 'The Wolf-Man' Chaney 1 240000 8 4 0 3 8 Frenzy, Wrestle, Catch, Claw, Loner, Regeneration ()
67 Star Players 3058 Willow Rosebark 1 150000 5 4 0 3 8 Dauntless, Side Step, Thick Skull, Loner ()
67 Star Players 3059 Zara the Slayer 1 270000 6 4 0 3 8 Block, Dauntless, Dodge, Jump Up, Loner, Stab, Stakes ()
67 Star Players 3060 Zzharg Madeye 1 90000 4 4 0 3 9 Sure Hands, Tackle, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Hail Mary Pass, Pass, Loner, Secret Weapon ()
67 Star Players 17478 Guffle Pusmaw 1 210000 5 3 0 4 9 Foul Appearance, Loner, Nurgle's Rot, Monstrous Mouth (GASP)
67 Star Players 20134 Asperon Thorn 1 160000 6 3 0 4 8 Kick-Off Return, Sure Hands, Hail Mary Pass, Pass, Safe Throw, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 20135 Mordrix Hex 1 230000 7 3 0 4 7 Block, Dauntless, Fend, Frenzy, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 20136 Kiroth Krakeneye 1 170000 7 3 0 4 8 Pass Block, Tackle, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Tentacles, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 20137 Elijah Doom 1 190000 6 3 0 4 9 Fend, Wrestle, Guard, Stand Firm, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 20138 Gobbler Grimlich 1 230000 5 4 0 2 9 Leap, Big Hand, Disturbing Presence, Tentacles, Very Long Legs, Loner, Regeneration, Monstrous Mouth (GASP)
67 Star Players 20139 Scyla Anfingrimm 1 250000 5 5 0 1 9 Frenzy, Thick Skull, Claw, Prehensile Tail, Loner, Wild Animal (GASP)
67 Star Players 20140 Withergrasp Doubledrool 1 170000 6 3 0 3 8 Tackle, Wrestle, Prehensile Tail, Tentacles, Two Heads, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 20141 Bilerot Vomitflesh 1 180000 4 5 0 2 9 Dirty Player, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 20142 Glart Smashrip 1 190000 5 4 0 2 8 Block, Grab, Juggernaut, Stand Firm, Claw, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 20143 Karla von Kill 1 220000 6 4 0 3 8 Block, Dauntless, Dodge, Jump Up, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 20144 Kreek Rustgouger 1 130000 5 7 0 2 9 Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Ball & Chain, Loner, No Hands, Secret Weapon (GASP)
67 Star Players 20145 Madcap Miggz 1 170000 6 4 0 3 8 Leap, Break Tackle, Claw, Very Long Legs, Loner, No Hands, Wild Animal (GASP)
67 Star Players 20193 Frank N Stein 1 270000 4 5 0 1 9 Break Tackle, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Loner, Regeneration (GASP)
67 Star Players 20195 Tolly Glocklinger 1 110000 3 7 0 2 9 Stand Firm, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Ball & Chain, Loner, No Hands, Nurgle's Rot, Secret Weapon (GASP)
67 Star Players 20820 Bo Gallanté 1 160000 8 3 0 4 7 Dodge, Side Step, Sprint, Sure Feet, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 20821 Bryce 'The Slice' Cambuel 1 130000 5 3 0 2 8 Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Chainsaw, Loner, Regeneration, Secret Weapon (GASP)
67 Star Players 20822 Bulla Shardhorn 1 230000 6 3 0 3 8 Block, Extra Arms, Foul Appearance, Horns, Two Heads, Loner, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Stab (GASP)
67 Star Players 20823 G'Ral Blodschüker 1 160000 7 3 0 3 7 Wrestle, Catch, Dodge, Sure Feet, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 20824 Gretchen Wächter 'The Blood Bow 1 280000 7 3 0 4 8 Shadowing, Dodge, Jump Up, Side Step, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Loner, No Hands, Regeneration (GASP)
67 Star Players 20825 Ivan 'The Animal' Deathshroud 1 230000 6 4 0 2 8 Block, Strip Ball, Tackle, Juggernaut, Disturbing Presence, Loner, Regeneration (GASP)
67 Star Players 20826 Throttlesnot 'The Impaler' 1 100000 6 2 0 3 7 Dirty Player, Dodge, Leap, Loner, Regeneration, Secret Weapon, Stab, Stunty (GASP)
67 Star Players 21133 Neddley Verrüca 1 70000 5 2 0 3 6 Dodge, Loner, Secret Weapon, Stab, Stunty, Trademark Stilts (Leap, Very Long Legs) (GASP)
67 Star Players 21134 Cindy Piewhistle 1 50000 5 2 0 3 6 Dodge, Accurate, Bombardier, Loner, Secret Weapon, Stunty (GASP)
67 Star Players 21135 Rumblelow Sheepskin 1 170000 6 3 0 3 7 Block, Tackle, Juggernaut, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, No Hands (GASP)
67 Star Players 21136 Big Jobo Hairyfoot 1 120000 4 3 0 2 8 Dirty Player, Tackle, Wrestle, Stand Firm, Loner, Stunty (GASP)
67 Star Players 22962 'Rotten' Rick Bupkeis 1 110000 4 3 0 2 8 Dirty Player, Sneaky Git, Loner, Regeneration (GASP)
67 Star Players 22963 Skrull Halfheight 1 190000 6 3 0 3 8 Sure Hands, Thick Skull, Accurate, Nerves Of Steel, Pass, Loner, Regeneration (GASP)
67 Star Players 22977 Gloriel Summerbloom 1 160000 7 2 0 4 7 Sure Hands, Dodge, Side Step, Accurate, Pass, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 22978 Swiftvine Glimmershard 1 130000 7 2 0 3 6 Fend, Side Step, Disturbing Presence, Loner, Stab, Stunty (GASP)
67 Star Players 22979 Maple Highgrove 1 300000 3 5 0 1 10 Grab, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Tentacles, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 22980 Zolcath the Zoat 1 280000 5 5 0 2 9 Sure Feet, Juggernaut, Mighty Blow, Disturbing Presence, Prehensile Tail, Loner, Regeneration (GASP)
67 Star Players 22981 Curnoth Darkwold 1 240000 7 3 0 4 7 Frenzy, Wrestle, Dodge, Jump Up, Leap, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 22982 Lucien Swift 1 390000 7 3 0 4 8 Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 22983 Valen Swift 1 0 7 3 0 5 7 Sure Hands, Accurate, Nerves Of Steel, Pass, Safe Throw, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 23007 Anqi Panqi 1 210000 7 4 0 1 9 Block, Grab, Stand Firm, Loner (GASP)
67 Star Players 23008 Drull 1 190000 8 2 0 3 7 Dodge, Side Step, Loner, Stab, Stunty (GASP)
67 Star Players 23009 Dribl 1 0 8 2 0 3 7 Dirty Player, Dodge, Side Step, Sneaky Git, Loner, Stunty (GASP)
67 Star Players 23010 Glotl Stop 1 360000 6 6 0 1 9 Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Piling On, Thick Skull, Prehensile Tail, Loner, Wild Animal (GASP)
67 Star Players 23531 Rasta Tailspike 1 120000 8 3 0 3 7 Catch, Extra Arms, Loner (GASP)
51 Tomb Kings 2892 Skeleton Lineman 16 40000 5 3 0 2 7 Thick Skull, Regeneration G (ASP)
51 Tomb Kings 2893 Anointed Thrower 2 70000 6 3 0 2 7 Sure Hands, Pass, Regeneration GP (AS)
51 Tomb Kings 2894 Anointed Blitzer 2 90000 6 3 0 2 8 Block, Regeneration GS (AP)
51 Tomb Kings 2895 Tomb Guardian 4 100000 4 5 0 1 9 Decay, Regeneration S (GAP)
66 Underworld Denizens 2997 Goblin 12 40000 6 2 0 3 7 Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty AM (GSP)
66 Underworld Denizens 2998 Skaven Lineman 3 50000 7 3 0 3 7 Animosity GM (ASP)
66 Underworld Denizens 2999 Skaven Thrower 1 70000 7 3 0 3 7 Sure Hands, Pass, Animosity GPM (AS)
66 Underworld Denizens 3000 Skaven Blitzer 1 90000 7 3 0 3 8 Block, Animosity GSM (AP)
66 Underworld Denizens 3001 Underworld Troll 1 110000 4 5 0 1 9 Mighty Blow, Always Hungry, Loner, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate SM (GAP)
66 Underworld Denizens 35150 Gutter Runner 1 80000 9 2 0 4 7 Dodge, Animosity, Weeping Dagger GA (SPM)
60 Vampire 2932 Thrall 16 40000 6 3 0 3 7 G (ASP)
60 Vampire 2933 Vampire 6 110000 6 4 0 4 8 Blood Lust, Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration GAS (P)
61 Wood Elf 2934 Lineman 16 70000 7 3 0 4 7 AG (SP)
61 Wood Elf 2935 Catcher 4 90000 8 2 0 4 7 Catch, Dodge, Sprint AG (SP)
61 Wood Elf 2936 Thrower 2 90000 7 3 0 4 7 Pass GAP (S)
61 Wood Elf 2937 Wardancer 2 120000 8 3 0 4 7 Block, Dodge, Leap AG (SP)
61 Wood Elf 2938 Treeman 1 120000 2 6 0 1 10 Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate S (GAP)

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